Crypto Academy Week 12-Homework Post For @fendit

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


A) Place yourself in the following situation:
You bought BTC a couple of days ago at a price of USDT 62K. Suddenly, you see that this situation is going on:


What would you have done before reading this class? What would you do now? Explain in detail if there's something you would do differently.

What would you have done before reading this class

I bought BTC when the price was   about 62k  United States dollar it's coming down very fast it means the market is crashing I don't have any other option but to sell my I BTC in   loss if the market is crashing it means that everyone is selling the Asset and getting out of the market and if everyone is doing that I will do the same I will get out from the market and because I bought it  62kAnd now if you look at the graph standing on 54k  and I don't have any information about the market it can go more down and I can lose more and more capital   so I think that is good FRI except the loss that I have already had and get out from the market 

 that is is what what I would have done before  attending the lecture

What would you do now? Explain in detail if there's something you would do differently.

 after attending the lecture I have learnt so many things so now first of all we will look at the mistake that I made before attending this class the  first mistake that I made when I saw that market is crashing I panicked you should not then that's the first rule set back and go to the market start analysing the graph the second thing is that try  do not be the part of crowd don't look at what other people are doing separate yourself from them and start predicting the price once you have a idea if the market is going down further then let it go down don't sell your coin keep it with yourself now you have idea about the market if it's going down or up now what we will do do we will wait for the right time if there is a fall there will be a rise And this is the time to be technical and not emotional if you listen to your emotions you will feel like I am losing all my money then I should get out of this market trust me I have been there you would feel like the Crypto market is finish

 and that's not the case because if you look at the price it still on 54k which is a big thing  you wait for the right time and when the market touches its all time low and when you know that the market will go rise again you invest more and you take profit from that even if you don't want to invest more you wait for the market to rise back and then sell in profit if you are a trader you will never let yourself lose a single penny

B) Share your own experience when it comes to making mistakes in trading:

What mistakes have you done when trading and what did you learn from them? If you have little experience when it comes to trading, tell if you got to know about someone else's experience.

Which of the strategies discussed in this class you find the most useful for you? Why?

What mistakes have you done when trading and what did you learn from them? If you have little experience when it comes to trading, tell if you got to know about someone else's experience.

I will share my first experience that I had an unfortunately I lost some  money in my first trade well to be honest it was not my first trade but you ok let me tell you what happened so back one year ago when I was completely new to trading I decided that I will trade coin for   A short period of time means only for a day or two  I did my research and I knew that the coin will go higher than the price I bought it and let me give you an example for about a coin at their time the price was 0.62$   and I kept a coin with me and I waited for one day after one day the prize went to 0.70$  My target was today's well the other day it went to 0.72$  and I thought it will go more of I I couldn't control my greed and the other day at  came down up to 0.55$ And then I sold it it at that price because I knew that the market will go down and there are very less chances for the market  to rise back so my investment and my trade was in loss

mistakes that I made

1  I did for trading 

2  I couldn't control my emotions and I became greedy  and I thought I can make more money with that one investment

3  my research was only for 2 days and I stayed in the market for longer than that

4 I didn't follow my own  strategy if you made a strategy followed it completely don't look here and there and I didn't did that I forgot the strategy that I made 

Which of the strategies discussed in this class you find the most useful for you? Why?

Revenge trading

The first strategy that I really like and I will try to implement on myself is that Revenge trading will after that loss I tried many times invest in different and even in this same coin again just to get my investment back that I lost and to be honest I lost more money by doing that and now I realise that I was doing Revenge trading which is not a healthy thing to do so I will try to not do that again and I believe it will help me a lot in my trading

Never invest the money that you can't afford to lose

 this is the strategy that now I realise that I should never do that well the money that I lost at that time was not the money I couldn't afford it made me e a lot of problems by  losing that money that money was not supposed to be lost and now I got it that I should never put that money in tourist which I can't afford to lose suggest this strategy will help me alot

Well honestly talking all of those strategies discussed in the class I need all of them because each and everyone is special and works on its own way and when I look at myself I think I should I apply all of them on myself and I believe that every trader must have these qualities and they should ignore the things just like professor said in the class like being greedy getting panicked and doing or trading all of these strategies are amazing and all of them will help me in my future trades

C) Place yourself in the following situation:
You're browsing Twitter and you see this:


You see that whenever this kind of things happen, BTC prices rush. What would you have done before reading this class? What would you do now? Explain in detail if there's something you would do differently.

What would you have done before reading this class?

I would go and buy as much as I can and I will even invest the money that I can't afford to lose because I feel like ok it will make me profit because I feel look at the similar situations in the past people have made huge amount of money by doing the same so I would have done the same before attending this class and when something like this happens I don't even look at the graph price forecasting no analytics nothing I would just invest in the coin because I feel that it will go up and because everyone is saying that so I am not thinking from my mind and thinking from my emotions and my greed is telling me that you should invest and earn that is what I  I would have done before attending this class

What would you have done before reading this class? What would you do now? Explain in detail if there's something you would do differently.

Well of course if I see something like this I will try to invest in that coin the first thing that I will do is I will only put that money that I can afford to lose means mirus capital  ab something is  e only going up because an influential person said something about that and that's why it's going up it means that it will go up only for a while it will come down very fast so you should only invest your risk capital

  if something like this happens you only invest for short time you will have to learn to day to day trade something can go high very fast it can come down very fast so you should always trade in that little window where you can make a good amount of money  just trading for one day or maybe today's you and you can trade for hours

Don't be greedy get out from the market on time and  I will do that if I see an opportunity I will invest but I will get out from the market on time even if the market is still on uptrend

 my recent experience just about 2 days ago

 you must have heard about the news with dogecoin about Elon Musk when I heard that I invested some of my risk capital into dogecoin it was not a big investment but I just want it to take the benefit of the situation and to gain a little more experience I did a little bit of research about the coin and then I invested the money into dot coin and just by investing $55  I have gain $7 on that investment in just two days and I am in profit that is my experience just two days ago the market is still up but I am out  off the market now anything can happen you just have to to stick to the strategy that you made

thanks @fendit

regards @akashhassan


Thank you for being part of my lecture and completing the task!

My comments:
Nice work!
Explanations were fine but the markdowns kinda made it hard to go through the post. Make sure they're properly applied next time as that's also part of your overall score!

Overall score:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67200.37
ETH 3331.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77