Steemit Crypto Academy I Season 4: Week 1 I Homework for professor @imagen I NFT Games

Hello everyone. Every week, we get to learn something new. This is another amazing lecture about the NTF by the professor @imagen.

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Question 1 - Describe in your own words the main Advantages and Disadvantages (Pros and Cons) of NFT Games in relation to other types of games

NFT stand for Non-Fungible token. Non Fungible token has gained the popularity around the world and has been a hot topic since last few years. NFT are not the crypto coins itself but still is the important aspect of the well known technology, Blockchain. The NFT tokens cannot be interchange. These tokens are also playing important role in making the world digital. NFTs tokens are highly secured and cannot get hacked.

The blockchain technology is making every field of life much fast and digitized. When we talk about the gaming industry, it also revolutionizing day by day by involving the blockchain. Now multiple NFT tokens are created on the multiple blockchain which enable the game industries to introduce the new games.

Advantages of NFT Games


The NTFs provide the infrastructure to introduce the new game. Thus it is changing the gaming industry and making it so advanced. When you buy the NFT token from some seller, you become the owner of that NFT token. Complete ownership of your NFT tokens is assigned to you after buying the token.

Verifiable Random Function

This algorithm is used in NFT gaming. With this algorithm, the users enjoy more because each character is unique from other for the gamer.

Cannot get hacked

The NTF is highly secured and safe. This is trustable and reliable. It cannot get hacked.


You can stake the game tokens and can earn the income for that.

Support Users

The time you spent on playing the games do not get waste. This is also a source of income and you can earn while playing the games.


You can trade the NFT games on the exchange market and i think this is so cool. You can perform the trading in successful way and can get the fiat coin in return of your selling

Creation of new tokens.

Multiple games are there where existing tokens allow the creation of multiple new tokens.

Disadvantages of NFT Games

Not So Fast

The era where we are surviving require the speed. Speed is the first and foremost need of this time. The major flaw in the NFT games is such games are slow as compare to other. The speed of NFT game is not as high as the other games.


Addiction of anything is bad. Even if you are reading and get addicted, this also not a good thing. The NFT games are addictive. Once you start playing these games, you will become addicted . There are many features which the users consider exciting and thus they become addict to the NFT games.

Lose of Password

We are very well known with the fact that on the decentralized platforms, if we lost the password for once, we lost the account forever. There is no way to recover the password. So in case of NFT games, if we lose the password, we cannot recover it at all.

Waste of money

It is psychological fact that we, being the human, get bored of everything with the passage of time. This also may happen with the NFT game. If you get bore, the money you spent to buy the game will be waste.


The Competition is another disadvantage of the NFT games. We know that in more competitive environment, the chances of getting reward are low.

Game' Cost

When you play the NFTs games, you have to pay the fee for that. This is also another disadvantage of the NFT games. Some blockchain require the low fee but on some blockchain, the fee is very high. The NFT games are not freely available like any other games on playstore. You have to pay for that.


You might face some complication while playing the NFT games because they are not too easy to get understand by a layman or a new user.

Screenshot (2196).pngQuestion 2- Name five (5) recognized characters: writers, artists, athletes or others, who have digitized their works (writings, publications, paintings, drawings, illustrations, etc.) to produce NFT. Please indicate the value of the NFT or the collection, show photos or images and cite sources.

1- Forever Rose

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This Rose artwork was sold in the 1 million dollar. It belong to the Kevin Abosch. We know that each artwork has a silent message and this art work which sold on the 14 February 2018 represent the true love.

2- The First Tweet

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The first tweet was by the CEO of the twitter which he sold later in 2.9 million dollar.

3- First 500 Days

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The Mike Winkelmann sold his art piece in 69.3 million dollar. This is the most valuable and expensive sold art piece.

4- Quantum

This master price has an ability to create new shapes from its shape. It was sold in 1.58 million dollars.

5- CryptoPunk #3100

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You may have familiar with this word. There are the nine aliens in the CryptoPunk group. It was sold in 7.58 million dollars. 10000 punks are there in stock but only nines are aliens and these nine are very special and expensive.

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Question 3- Choose one among follow

  • MyDefiPet
  • Mist
  • CryptoBlades
  • Dragonary
  • WavesDuck

Describe in depth the selected game: founders or developers, launch date, objective of the game, operation, native token (price, market capitalization, position), availability in the various operating systems and any other relevant information. Show Screenshots.


We know that the NFT games which run on the high blockchains are ranked high. The CryptoBlade is one among such games. This game un on the Binance smart chain platform which make it unique from other NFT games. This role playing NFT game has its own native token named as SKILL. The players are rewarded with SKILL


The Phillip Devine introduced this game in 2014. It was developed by the Riveted Games company and the Daniel Karsai and Kyle Kamp are the developers.

Native Token

The native token of CryptoBlade is SKILL. SKILL is the native token of this web based game. Its market price at this time is 21.67$ and market rank is 783 . The market capitalization is 19,059,184$ and th trading volume is $3,923,394.82

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Below is the price chart of SKIll.

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The SKILL token is available on multiple exchange markets. in which and pancakeswap is on the top.

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Main Goals

This is an amazing games where the player have the right to choose the weapon and character of his own choice. The player's character then fight with the monster in this game. In Cryptoblade game, the players get reward too. If the player win, it will level up. There are the levels and with each victory, you level is risen. At starting, the 200 points are there and with each level, 40 points are burn.

When you Win the game, you are rewarded with the SKILL token. But if you do not win, you do not get any reward. The player can access his reward only. This is highly secure that even the developer cannot access the players assets and information.

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Question 4- Show the complete process to acquire the tokens (it does not necessarily have to be the game selected in the previous question, as long as it is within the list provided). Indicate the platforms (wallets or exchanges) where it is available; the process for downloading, installing and configuring wallets or networks. Show Screenshots.4.) Show the complete process to acquire the tokens (it does not necessarily have to be the game selected in the previous question, as long as it is within the list provided). Indicate the platforms (wallets or exchanges) where it is available; the process for downloading, installing and configuring wallets or networks. Show Screenshots.

I will go with SKILL token. The SKILL token is available in the following markets. I will choose

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The following page will appear.

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You need to login or register yourself first.

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After that click on trading. Select Sport trading from drop down list.

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The following page will appear.

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Search for the SKILL token. It is available in pair with USDT and ETH.

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After buying, deposit them into your meta mask wallet. Now we will visit the and will connect the metamask to the cryptoblade.

Select CryptoBlade game.

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Click on Connect to Metamask.

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This will help to connect to metamask. The metamask extension will be there. CLick on the Next button.

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Click on the connect button.

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Your metamask is connected successfully.

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You can get the SKILL token in this way. By following the above steps, you can earn the SKILL tokens.

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The NFT tokens are getting popularity among the world. The NFT tokens are sold throughout the world and the trader earn by trading NFT. NFT is now revolutionizing the other field of life and leading the world to another level. The NFT gaming is a great revolution. The gaming industry now has evolved with the NFT and NFT games are allowing the people to entertain themselves. The people are earning too while playing NFT games. This had open the door of new source of income for the people.

 3 years ago (edited)

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