Steemit Crypto Academy Semana 5 | Homework Post For @imagen : Mercado de Criptomonedas.

Crypto Margin Trading & Crypto Leveraged Tokens Trading.png

Hello to everyone
First of all thank you to professor @imagen for this nice homework. I wish everyone who read my homework a healthy and beautiful day.


1. Explica con tus propias palabras, el concepto de Dominancia en el mundo de las criptomonedas. ¿Cuál es la dominancia del Bitcoin al momento de realizar tu tarea? (Presenta al menos 1 gráfica)


Dominance means that one asset is superior to another. For example, a person, organization or any object may have an advantage over another person, organization or object.

If we briefly explain "dominance" in the cryptocurrency market, We can say that the market value of a cryptocurrency is calculated by proportioning it to the total market value of the cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin (BTC) Dominance

Bitcoin Dominance is a data found by the ratio of the total market value of Bitcoin to the total cryptocurrency market value. Example: The market value of bitcoin is 400 thousand USD, and our total cryptocurrency market value is 500 thousand USD. . In this case, the Bitcoin dominance value will be 80%.

From 2009, when it was first produced, until 2017, its dominance value has remained close to 90%. This is because it is the first cryptocurrency. It may even say that it is the ancestor of cryptocurrencies. Later, the emergence and popularization of cryptocurrencies such as Ripple (XRP) and Ethereum (ETH) decreased this value considerably. At the time of writing this article, it is around 44.38% according to the graphic values on the site according to data on 10/05/2021.

imagen ödev  toplam piyasa değeri.png

When we look at the values in this graph, we can say that Bitcoin's dominance values are still very high compared to other cryptocurrencies.


2. Menciona al menos 2 veces en donde el Mercado tuvo caídas fuertes, menciona varias monedas afectadas. (Usa screenshots)

Although newly released cryptocurrencies move in a sweat direction with bitcoin, this is not the case for most cryptocurrencies. To give some examples of these: Ethereum is the crypto currency with the highest connection with Bitcoin.

BTC (Bitcoin)

BTC düşüş 20 şubat -1 mayıs.jpg

In this screen shot, it shows that BTC fell between February 20 and March 1 (10 days). We can understand this from the graph below.

BTC düşüş 20 şubat -1 mayıs grafik.png

ETH (Ethereum)

Let's examine how ETH has shown a trend in the same time period while BTC is losing value. Let's look at the status of ETH between February 20 - March 1 (10 days).

ETH düşüş tablo.jpg

We see that ETH declined with BTC between these dates. If we show it with graphics, it will be understood more clearly.

ETH düşüş grafik.png

LTC (Litecoin)

We said that most cryptocurrencies are in a linear movement with BTC. If we look at the status of another crypto currency Litecoin (LTC) between February 20-March 1 (10 days);

LTC düşüş.jpg

We see a decrease in LTC between these dates. I think it would be more understandable if we show it on the chart.

LTC düşüş grafik.png

When we come to more recent dates, we see that BTC experienced another decline between April 14 and April 25.

BTC düşüşşş 2.jpg

At this time, we see that Ripple (XRP) and Chiliz (CHZ) coins showed a downward trend along with BTC.

XRP CHZ düşüş.jpg


3. ¿Qué es la Temporada de Altcoins?

We can say that Altcoin is the name given to all cryptocurrencies except BTC. Altcoin Season, on the other hand, is when cryptocurrencies other than BTC are outperforming BTC, showing a higher rise. With the decline of BTC dominance, the values BTC lost cause the altcoins to move higher and higher during the altcoin season. this allows us to make more profits.


4. Da una breve descripción de al menos 2 altcoins que estén en el TOP 50.

Examples of altcoins in the top 50 are TRX and XRP.

TRX (Tron)

Tron (TRX) was launched by Justin Sun in 2017. It is of Singapore origin. It has a decentralized structure. Uses blockchain technology. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) generated 100 billion TRX and as a result raised $ 70 million.

It was created as an Ethereum-based token. It got into its own network in 2018. Users with ERC20 were able to exchange their Ethereum-based coins for TRX using the Tron network, and Ethereum-based coins were deleted.

Tron is a cryptocurrency targeting the entertainment industry based on. Its founder, Justin Sun, is an active social media user and bought Steem in 2020.

The current market value is around 1TRX = $ 0.14. The maximum supply is not clear. Currently, 71,659,657,369 TRX is circulating in the market. It is among the top 20 coins in the cryptocurrency market.

XRP (Ripple)

XRP, Ripple is a payment network system (RippleNet) developed in 2012. Ripple is different from many cryptocurrencies. Ripple is a centralized system. It is traded on the blockchain. The main goal is to enable large amounts of money and assets to be transferred quickly through the blockchain.

It is in the third highest market value after Bitcoin and Ethereum. 1 XRP hovers around $ 1.50. Its maximum supply is 100,000,000,000 XRP. The circulating supply is 35,108,326,973 XRP.


5. ¿Cómo las noticias relevantes pueden influir en el precio de las criptomonedas de manera positiva o negativa? Menciona al menos 3 ejemplos. (Usar screenshots) (Ejemplo: SENSO anunció una quema de tokens del 70%, en una semana el precio aumentó más del 100%)

TRX (Tron)

The news can affect the price of cryptocurrencies in two ways, either positively or negatively. To give an example of a positive news for TRX, the agreement signed with DuckDAO on March 31, 2021 led to a nice increase in the price of TRX. Thanks to this news, TRX, whose market value was $ 0.06 on March 30, increased its market value by 100% within a week, bringing it to around $ 0.12. We can see this more clearly in the table and graph below.

TRX haber 1.png

TRX haber 1 grafik.png

XRP (Ripple)

To give an example of a negative news for XRP, the lawsuit filed by SEC experienced a decline before the lawsuit. The conclusion of the case on February 22, 2021 caused a serious decrease in XRP that week. As seen in the chart and table below.
XRP düşüş haberi.jpg

XRP düşüş haberi grafik.jpg

ICP (Internet Computer)

Increasing the value of the ICP, which was announced to be listed on the Coinbase exchange, by more than 100% in one day. ( 10/05/2021)



6. Describe una criptomoneda Penny de las siguientes:

Shiba Inu, Safeemon, o Eclipse

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Just like the DOGE coin, it is produced with the aim of joking. Especially after Elon Musk's Twitter posts, there was an increase in value. Its abbreviation is SHIB. Its symbol is "Shiba Inu", a dog breed like DOGE coin. It is not listed in every stock exchange because it has an experimental nature in the description on its website.

Uses blockchain technology. Like most tokens on the market, it is Ethereum-based ERC-20 token. Although it is listed on the Shibaswap stock exchange, which is in its own ecosystem, trading can be made on platforms such as Poloneix, Uniswap, Its total supply is 1 quintillion. Currently, there are approximately 395 million SHIBs in circulation.

The most important feature of SHIB is that it has an ecosystem that does not exist in DOGE coin. Within this ecosystem, there is also a crypto currency exchange called ShibaSwap led by SHIB.



  • With this assignment, we learned what is Dominance, cryptocurrency dominance and BTC dominance.
  • We examined the effect of Bitcoin on other cryptocurrencies.
  • We learned what Altcoin and Altcoin season is.
  • We briefly introduced two of the Altcoins that are in the top 50.
  • We learned the effect of cryptocurrent news on cryptocurrent and explained with examples.
  • We briefly explained Shibu Inu, one of the penny crypto currencies.

Thanks again to professor @imagen for this beautiful and instructive lesson. I'm looking forward to your next lecture, Professor.



Hola @adamsmoke

Gracias por participar en la Academia Cripto de Steemit.

Escala de Estimación.PuntajeObservación
Concepto de Dominancia.0.8
Ejemplos del mercado.2
Temporada de Altcoins0.6
Descripción Altcoins TOP 50.1.5
Noticias relevantes y ejemplos1.8
Criptomoneda Penny1.5

Thanks professor

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68154.08
ETH 3274.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66