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RE: Swallow

in Dream Steem2 months ago

I believe there's another open office source I forgot the name. I no longer need it on my phone. It's already slow enough.

I once made slideshows and videos out of the travels with my children. Back then I drove in a oldsmobile, A Ford 1972. I am not sure what I used.

You are a more than busy bee!
How is playing the violin doing? Do you make time for it?

I hope you had a good rest. A happy, not too long day to you.


Well, most of the time, I only own 15 minutes per week to dedicate to the violin. I'd like to have more free time, as I love to play the violin❤️

Ps.: I see you are a busy bee too, as you are a very active Steemian❤️❤️❤️❤️

I am hunting for stories (hard), try to find places to post where I feel more comfortable and my creativity and mind is triggered more. Some communities scare me 🥺 it feels as if the sky pressures on me.

I intend to host a contest but no second response from betterlife unless I missed it. I want a contest open to everyone without the club thing.

In wox (xpilar) is a talk/discussion post. I just answered as far as I understood what was meant.

I made a schedule where to post Italy feels goid, freewriters and boylikegirl, wox some might I don't know.

You should play daily at least 20 minutes. Make it a habit like drinking tea, brushing teeth and putting on your glasses.

With the sound of a violin in your head what you write will only be better.

Do you feel more rested now? A happy day dear, startwith the violin before you do something else.

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