The diary game, Saturday 27 April 2024, my daily activities today

in Dream Steem2 months ago

Hi steemit friends, how are you all today, hopefully in this bright morning we will all be given health without the slightest shortage, hopefully today will be better than yesterday, and there will be no obstacles this morning in carrying out our daily activities.


The morning alarm clock rang as usual, I immediately got up and went to the bathroom, I immediately washed my face and brushed my teeth then I made ablution to perform the morning prayer, after finishing the morning prayer I did the work that I could do while waiting for the sun to rise to take my children to school. This morning at around 07.30 WIB I arrived at the children's study place. As usual, I waited a moment while watching the children's activitie


After I came home and went into the house I took the tools for my work needs. After finishing I left the house and went for a walk to the shop while enjoying the taste of coffee with some friends and we drank coffee there while chatting. After gathering while enjoying coffee with friends, I went home to clean up my lack of work, before I realized it was already 11:45 WIB I stopped working and I went shopping for lunch with my family, after lunch I got ready to perform the midday prayer.



At around 14.30 WIB I went to the beach to see the progress of the project, when I got there I went straight to the work place to see the progress of the project which was almost finished, maybe today it will be finished after spending so long there, I didn't feel the Ashar call to prayer coming, right? all the workers turned off the machines to take a break and I asked permission for a moment to pray Asr with my friends in the prayer room. After the Asr prayer, I immediately went to work. When the clock showed 16.30 WIB, which meant working hours had ended, my friends and I left to go home


When I got home the child was waiting and I took him to the shop to buy fried noodles, after finishing I went straight home and finished eating the noodles, the child played again as usual, I sat in front of the child while watching the child play, not long after that I invited the children to play. The child went into the house to take a shower because it was almost sunset. After bathing, the children and I performed ablution to perform the evening prayer at home, then I ate with my family. Thank You. Just a short story about my daily life, hopefully it will be the best post for all steemians friends. Hopefully my post today is better than tomorrow's post. Thank you very much for your attention and visit. We apologize for the attention and error.

 2 months ago 

Dear @stroc, I have pointed out our Community profile quite nicely several times: we are all about fictional writing and poetry.

You provide us with non-fiction texts that are well written and interesting, but don't fit well here. But we're really the wrong place for diary games!

I'm really glad that you feel comfortable with us and that you don't have a problem with, let's say, little attention. But please be so kind and see where your posts work better: in WOX, for example, there are no thematic restrictions. We do... We have deliberately designed it that way - because we really only want it to be about stories, poems, songs, plays, novels etc.

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