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RE: It's just a dream...

in Dream Steem2 months ago

I read a few of his books quite a few years ago. I don't even remember when, maybe 10. They weren't many, some I also couldn't continue after a few pages. But I think it was The Pilgrimage, which I also found boring, but I wanted to read it for personal reasons, which struck me as borrowing a lot from the Bible without even mentioning it, because it was presented as whole (personal) incidents and experiences. It just so happened that I was looking for something in the Bible at that very time and that's how I saw it. The whole thing left me with just an unpleasant feeling, a very special one. To me, this man is not a good writer, he has achieved fame by chance.

Not every other thing happening around you is an omen and a signal

And I forgot to mention that the universe is not at all conspiring to help you achieve your dreams. There are a lot of people who are fixated on searching every minute of their daily lives for signs and symbols (even Paulo Coelho has continued his career this way, from what I've read.😄) But to me, all this esoteric stuff is just a money machine again. Some people write books about how they fixed their lives and achieved their dreams. Read me and follow my steps. Right? It doesn't work like that. Also, too much dealing with the esoteric has caused many people to suddenly become scared and give up on it. Well, ok, that's another topic. But 'silly' and superficial, that's what indeed these things look and sound like, and they're probably on purpose so they can reach as many people as possible.


it was presented as whole (personal) incidents and experiences.

And yet Pilgrimage is one of his famous work.🤦‍♀️

But to me, all this esoteric stuff is just a money machine again.

I can't agree more. A few years ago, I used to believe in stuff like 5 steps to nail this or that... Having tried myself and brutally failing made me realize that it's just a money-making strategy. Now I run miles away even if I smell something like this. I believe, if something worked for you in a certain way, it doesn't mean it will work for someone else in the same way or work at all, for that matter.

You are right, it's a whole different topic. I have thought to write about it multiple times, some painful experiences. 😅
Maybe some day.

This too made me smile again. 😅 Many of us have fallen into this trap, but not all of us admit that we have been deceived. Life is much more complicated than following 5 steps. And as you say, if something works for one person, it doesn't work for another. Not to mention that such books are often written by people who have not been able to cope with their own problems, but at least they have found a way to make money, in a word - fraudsters.
Maybe it all starts from the fact that people don't want to admit that they have a hard time in life. We all have it difficult to one degree or another, in one aspect or another, because life is not easy to begin with. But everyone keeps quiet about it, publishes books, lies to people, it's all a scam.
Since I started writing here about what's happening to me and how I feel (because I can't anywhere else), I don't know if it's helped me at all, but I think it would have been a lot worse if I didn't talk about it at all and I kept it all inside me.
I say this to encourage you to write further 😊

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