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RE: Sea of Harmony

in Dream Steem3 months ago

All written text, image generation commands, and ideation behind this post are 100% mine.

We understand:)

She muffled a sob as the events of the awful day replayed in her mind like a horror movie.

I wish I could hug her!

Your post is brilliant! The prompt "cultural harmony" has been executed beautifully (with Steemit in background), making it relatable to many. The beauty of fiction lies in conveying a strong message without being explicit, and you've achieved that remarkably. Great job with the theme!

Generating desired images through AI indeed poses challenges. It's not really easy to get the desired results with just a simple command. You have to instruct it, feed it, and essentially train it— that's an art of its own kind. Your post has proven this.

Thank you


Your post is brilliant! The prompt "cultural harmony" has been executed beautifully (with Steemit in background), making it relatable to many.

Thank God. I didn't know how you'd respond because no matter how much I love fiction, I don't usually write it.

When I read the contest post - I immediately thought of creating some fictional story around the prompt and then commanding AI to generate explicit images relevant to some scenes from the story.

I couldn't think of any good storyline at first - after writing the opening scene, it occurred to me that Steem is a great example of cultural harmony and just went with the idea.

It's not really easy to get the desired results with just a simple command.

I didn't like the results it showed with basic commands. I straightened out my story first which gave me a clear mental image of what I wanted to generate with AI.

P.S. I told AI to generate a Ukrainian merman but it was stuck on a mermaid. Sorry @o1eh. 😂

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