The Unpredictable Turn of Love: Angela, David, and Rita's Journey

in Dream Steem8 months ago (edited)

Angela has always been the spoilt brat who is from a wealthy home and extremely brilliant. She became famous when she won the states award in mathematics and created a YouTube channel doing all manner of science tricks and teaching mathematics. Due to a failed business Angela and her family had to move down to federal housing were the middle class lived. That is where she met David. David was her classmate but Angela was way out of his league. So, he only knew her from afar and pray a time will come when she notices him one day. David is not quite popular around his area but he happens to have an uncle who is notorious and the leader of an infamous gang who usually harass and rob people. Well, he’s not fond of his uncle because of shame he brings to the family and how his parents always tell him to steer clear from him all the time. One of the gang member also have eyes for Angela and always try to woo her all the time to at least, take her out on a date but Angela, always on her high horse, looks at him in a very condescending and arrogant manner. Sometimes she embarrasses him in public. You can’t blame her, she have know idea about the neighborhood she lives in now.


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Angela has a very rich boyfriend named ”mike” who is a doctor that is hardly available and comes once in a blue moon to visit her. He was on his free period and decided to spend some time with his girlfriend. Angela was so excited when he told her that he will be coming to pick her up from home to go see a movie. While at the cinema, he got an emergency call that night, that he’s needed in the hospital. She tried to convince him to stay but he couldn’t ignore the call to duty, after all, he swore an oath. He offered to drop her off but Angela was so engrossed in the movie, she refused to follow him. So he gave her some money in case she needs anything else and her transportation fare. It was very late in the night and she tried calling her driver from home but he wasn’t on duty as well, he has gone for the weekend. So, she had to join taxi that was going her way. The taxi driver dropped her closed to her destination. So, she had to walk down some distance to her house.

As luck will have it, David was around the premises. He was very happy to see her alone because if she’s not with friends, she’s always in a car. He saw this as the perfect opportunity to meet her. He approached her and offered to walk her home, She ignored him. He tried to explain to her that they are course mates in university, in order to create a soft landing for him. She blatantly ignored him and this time wore a Bluetooth headset and increased the volume of her phone music, so she won’t hear his voice again.

David turned back and was disappointed because he knows he will never see any opportunity to meet her alone again. Angela, feeling like a star that she had successfully gotten rid off the strange guy who claimed to be in same school with her, had know idea what awaited her in front. As she continued her walk to the house, she met the gangster. “not again”, she muttered in her head. He approached her as usual, she ignored him. Out of anger, he dragged the earphone from her ears. She was so pissed at him and she slapped him. She had know idea, the guy had already laid an ambush with his gang members. They whisked her off the ground to a dark corner. She screamed loudly, David afar off, heard her scream. He knew she was in danger and ran towards the noise.


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They were trying to rape her when David intervened. She’d a bit of relief that David had come to save her but they beat him up as well and continue to force themselves on her. David’s uncle heard the noise and knew it was his boys trying to have a good time. He went there to see who they are harassing, as they saw him, they paused and greeted him with their gang handshake. He checked to see who they were harassing and wasn’t bothered when he saw the girl because he feels she deserves it but was shocked to see his nephew walking with this rude girl. He saved his nephew and told his boys to continue with their fun but his nephew refused to leave her. His uncle now told them to leave the girl alone and asked some set of guys to beat up the particular guy that injured David and ordered another set of guys to walk his nephew home and his girlfriend home.

The next day, he was in class and she didn’t pay any single attention to him not even a “thank you “. He also didn’t bother because he knows how proud she is. School was over and David was walking home, Angela’s car pulled over and offered to give him a ride to the house but he declined and continued his walk home. She apologized for ignoring him in class and begged him to please get in the car. He smiled and got in. She thanked him for the previous day and offered to take him out on a date as a sign of appreciation. Deep down, he was so excited. It was a dinner date and David dressed like he was going for a prom night. When she saw him, she laughed and made jest of him but she was impressed with the time he took to look cute for her.


Image: @bambuka

As time passed, Angela found solace in the conversations she had with David. They would meet in secret, chatting about life, dreams, and aspirations. Gradually, she started to appreciate David's genuine nature and fell for his kindness and charm. However, she couldn't bear the thought of been with him in public or risk her closest friends seeing her with an unpopular guy like David, which would harm her reputation.
In order to avoid falling for David, she tried to rekindle her relationship with Dr mike to spend more time with him. Mike was spending too much time at work and it made her think of David even at mike’s place. She decided to give mike a surprise visit but to her amazement she met her guy in a compromising situation with one of his attractive patients, someone she had noticed on his phone for a while. Heartbroken and betrayed. Angela moved back to her house along with her belongings and called David to meet her at their usual secret hide out. From the sound of her voice on the call, David knew was sad and rushed down to meet her. They met and hugged each other. She started sharing her painful discovery of her boyfriend.

David, although feeling sympathetic for Angela, couldn't help but be relieved that she was now available. He had been on the receiving end of unrequited love for so long, and now, Angela attention was focused on him. Their secret meetings became more frequent, and their connection grew stronger.

Meanwhile, during her long absence with her boyfriend, David met another girl who secretly had a crushed on him, her name was Rita. She decided to give it a try by asking David out and with her outgoing and friendly nature, she managed to break through David's emotional barriers. With time, David started to give in and their friendship evolved into something deeper. Angela had noticed a little withdrawal from David because each time she invites him to there secret spot to hangout, he keeps bringing up unnecessary excuses. She was too shy to confront David about it. She didn’t want him knowing she had feelings for him. It didn’t matter to David anymore because he thought he will never have any opportunity with Angela. He was tired of her been ashamed to talk to him in public, so it was best he moved on. When she saw David and Rita sharing a kiss one day, she felt a pang of jealousy. She realized that her time with David was slipping away, and her pride was wounded once again.


Image: @bambuka

In a moment of anguish, Angela turned to alcohol to drown her sorrows. David haven’t seen Angela in class for awhile and she has been ignoring his call. He knew very well, she won’t go back to mike’s place after what she had gone through, he decided to pay her a visit at her house for the first time. David saw Angela in a drunk state and as usual been concerned for her well-being, rushed to her side to offer his support. Angela, in her drunken state, couldn't hold back her feelings any longer. Through tearful confessions, she admitted how deeply she loved David and how she had been trying to suppress her emotions but had failed. She was genuinely in love with him.

“In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas” At this moment, David was thrown off balance. He never saw this confession coming as he sat beside her, her drunken words playing in his mind like music to his soul. It was a moment of truth, laid bare in the midst of Angela's intoxicated vulnerability.

David was now face with the decision to pick between Angela and Rita. He genuinely loved Rita but Angela confession had the power to change everything. David decided to tell the two ladies the truth the next day. When Angela had sober up, David told her about Rita and that she never gave him a chance to even talk about his feelings, the secret meetups, all those stuff made him felt he never stood a chance to date her considering the fact he was not rich enough for her but with Rita is different. Angela had no choice than to accept his decision and acknowledged that sometimes, love takes unexpected turns.

David later met Rita and shared the truth about his past with Angela. Rita appreciated how honest David was and decided to give him a break to figure out things on his own. In the end, David decided to go ahead with Rita because she completes him and he saw a future with her. Angela, though heartbroken, found strength in the experience and embarked on her own journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The end!!


That was virtually at the very last minute. @bambuka will be generous, I hope ;-))

And: poor rich Angela...!

Sometimes, I really wish I have good steem power, so that each time I upvote your post, you get something as well because you have really been a major support to my success since I arrived steemit

The time will come and you can support other Newbies. So that works fine!

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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