Change of Plans: A Journey of Unexpected Discoveries

in Dream Steem26 days ago

After going through the “task 3” challenge for the week, I was happy to see a terrain that I’m familiar with and are known for stories and poems: @dreamsteem. Seeing the keyword for the week, I was already thinking of a story that would suit the “title” but the ideas on what to write became too long, i just had to “change my plans” to a write up all of us can relate to.

But before going ahead and with a standing ovation, permit to mention three of our honorable guests as they take the high tables: @wakeupkitty @inspiracion and @yancar.

The Keyword of the Week": change of plans


If there’s anyone I know that can change plans so suddenly is my kid sister. She can just wake up one day and decide that she wants something else, going off the original plans. I will be taking us down memory lane in terms of her career.

Originally my kid sister, was someone that had always been a good art student and was weak in her science subjects but she won’t let us hear anything other than “when she grows up, I want to be a doctor”. Due to her low grades in science subjects, my mom hired a private science teacher to be taking her and my kid brother home lessons. My brother picked up but she didn’t. My parents now decided to focus more on her strength and wanted her to read law when she enters university in the future.


Instead of this young lady to study her books like her classmates in junior high school, she went there to fall in love. Time came, when everyone was to move to senior high school. Were they will separate art and science students. My sister came up with her drama again that she has changed her mind, she know longer wants to be an art student again.

We all knew her reason for changing her mind was because her boyfriend was a science student and that was why she was insisting to be there as well. So no one took her seriously but She kept crying about it all the time, my dad decided to just by the science examination form for her and my brother, believing she’ll fail it. That year, she did so well in the exams and she got admission into the school without even a home tutor. It was a shock to everyone.

In the meantime, she was enjoying school with her boyfriend but one thing that was surprising to everyone was that she was doing very well in the same science school even better than my brother that we originally saw as the science student in the house. After she was done with high school, she finally gained admission into the University to study nursing. she graduated but the job she was getting was not paying well.


Around the year my mum died, my kid sister came to us and told us that she has changed her plans and that she is no longer interested in working as a nurse again, she wants to be a “fashion designer”. Our jaws just dropped down on our laps like all those cartoon characters. We were wondering….. this girl didn’t even go for something close to her career, it’s totally something we never imagined but there was nothing we could do. She’s a big girl now and she knows what is best for her. It turned out that fashion was indeed a blessing in disguise. She did so well in her new place that she was always booked by customers all the time and was able to buy herself a car and got a very big fashion house.

When we thought all was over, she woke up one day and told us that she has gotten a job at an NGO to work as a nurse and the pay is okay and she wanted to stop fashion designing. It doesn’t give her time for herself. You can imagine, the statement coming out from someone that is now a big brand in Abuja. We tried to convince her but her mind was already made up. Another sudden switch again in her life like chameleon… lol.

Due to the plenty customers she has, sewing became her side hustle because a lot of them kept begging her to sew for them. Her side hustled even paid her better than her actual job but she felt fulfilled as a nurse. She was doing pretty well for herself, unknown to us, she was working her visa to go London. She refused to tell us because she know we will definitely tease her because our big sister had tried couple of times but her visa wasn’t approved.


Well, God smiled on her and her visa was approved. Her NGO also assisted in doing some clarification when it came to questions related to her nursing career. She got over there thinking it was going to be easy task getting a job as a nurse but she was mistaken, there is whole lot involved. Her plans have to change again.

Well, she’s now a healthcare professional and have been working very hard to meet the requirements of becoming a nurse again. We keep praying for her and with God on her side, I know she will definitely get her dream job again.



So, When next you find yourself in a situation where things are not going as you predicted and you are now forced to change your plans, always have it mind that it’s not always a set back. It could be a blessing in disguise that may take you down a road that may turn out to be far better than even your previous plans. At that moment, just let go of the wheel, embrace where it takes you to and trust the process.

my comments on post.


Interesting life story about your sister, this shows that human beings are nonconformists by nature, that we always pursue changes, your sister is the perfect example of this.

Your score for this assignment is 8, please continue participating, thank you.

Please, let know why an 8

Estimado escritor libre:

Es bueno leerte de nuevo. Continuemos nuestro viaje #wewrite . Ten en cuenta que lo que escribes es una experiencia de aprendizaje para todos nosotros y que tus comentarios son importantes. Diviértete y no olvides leer tus comentarios, pueden ser muy útiles.
Le agradecemos su participación. A continuación encontrará la reseña de su publicación, que forma parte de la lección 3 de We-Write.

Lo que salió bien - 1 punto1
Qué mejorar
Título - 2 puntos1.5
Hashtags - 1 puntos1
Un comienzo llamativo - 2 puntos1
Creatividad / pensamiento innovador - 3 puntos1.5
Texto original/sin IA👍
Siguiendo las reglas - 1 punto1
Bono - Comunidad correcta - 1 punto1
Total máximo 11 puntos

Fecha de verificación: 24 de septiembre de 2024

Razón adicional: Se publica en la comunidad correcta 1 punto, su titulo es diferente, es propio a su historia 1.5 puntos, todo salio bien, cumplio sus comentarios 1 punto, cumplio los Hashtag 1 punto, su comienzo fue normal 1 punto, su creatividad es buena, sus fotos son buenas por lo que di la mitad de los punto 1.5 y 1 punto por seguir las reglas, esa sumatoria da 8 puntos, recuerde que esta evaluación es subjetiva, depende de cada lector que mira la publicación.


Thank you @yancar!! For the review

What can I say: You did it again! Theidea is to write a story and start immediately with ot. I believe this is the 3rd lesson I say "no introduction, greetings, mentioning of the course, and so on!"

😫😭😭 I would pull your ear if you wear within reach!

Title: 1
No flashy start -
Hashtags... did you write a story as in fairytale or fiction?

Also a conclusion... I wonder why? Why not let the reader make up his mind what this "conclusion" is, that is if you wrote a story (fiction) and not a scientific report.

No, you did not follow the rules ☹️

And I wanted to make sure it came out very well…. I messed up once again. Hopefully, in next week episode, everything will come out perfectly at my end.

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