Dream Story, When Soldier, Farmer and Engineer Have Arguments with A Daily Prompt

in Dream Steem4 months ago


At first it was just an interesting conversation between friends with different professions. A farmer, a soldier and an engineer have been friends since childhood. They grew up in the same childhood. However, as adults they have different fields.
This closeness since childhood means they are used to arguing about various things. From trivial things to urgent things. However, if their self-esteem is touched, they will defend their own dignity.

Light and casual conversation without a topic continues to spread. Until one point there was a conversation about each brand's profession and its role.

"In my opinion, a country will not progress if it is not safe. So the role of professional soldiers like me has the biggest role in this country," said the soldier

"You are right and wrong at the same time. You are right, a developed country is safe. But you are wrong if you say that the most meritorious is the army." said the engineer.

The soldier wanted to retaliate. But the engineer immediately jumped in with the next sentence.

"The country will not progress if there is no technological progress. Everything will only be done manually. Those who develop technology are engineers. In my opinion, engineers are the ones who have the most merit"

"How can engineers work if there are so many disturbances to state security?" said the soldier in a high-pitched tone.

"You don't scream!"

"Well, you started it!

The farmer held the two people.

"Calm down, let me ask. If our country is safe we can carry out development. Engineers can work well,"

"Wow, you want to defend him!" said the engineer glaring at the farmer

The farmer grabbed the body of the engineer who was about to rush towards him.

"Listen first, if you can work well, can you do it when your stomach is empty? When you are hungry, can you work well?"

Both of them were shocked to hear the farmer's words.

"What the farmer said is true," both of them thought.

"But how can farmers work if there are so many security disturbances?" said the soldier, looking sharply at the farmer.

"Still the most meritorious are the soldiers!" he continued

"The most meritorious cannot be engineers. It is final!"

"How do you get straight to the point and decide that the most meritorious person is an engineer. If you are hungry, can you make technology develop?" asked the farmer, starting to get sarcastic.

The tension of the debate is getting higher and no one wants to give in. Each brand makes its argument known.

Suddenly, sirens were heard approaching and an ambulance stopped right in front of those who were still arguing. The debate immediately stopped. The driver opened the cabin door. The three saw a lot of blood splattered.

"What is this?" the three said together.

"There was an accident. The bus went into a ravine and I want to ask for your help in evacuating the victims."

Hearing that there was an accident, they forgot that they were having a heated argument.

"Come on, we have to help immediately."

"Take us there"

They immediately left together. When we arrived at the accident site, no authorities had arrived. The soldiers, engineers and farmers immediately went down to the ravine and looked for a way to evacuate the victims. Soon they found the fastest way. The ambulance driver was asked to call for help. Until the three people finally around seven children were successfully evacuated safely. Not long after, help arrived with more complete equipment and managed to lift all the victims. There were two deaths. They are the driver and assistant.

By help of the farmer, the soldier, and engineer the victims were rescued. Their services are remembered by everyone who knew them. They all contributed. They then never make debate and keep their argument them self.

This post to fulfill @weisser-rabe hope, @freewritehouse and also because of my jealous to @wakeupkitty work.

That all my writing this time I you like it. thank you for stopping by and reading my post.
Warm regard from Indonesia,


We all are part of the chain and are important. You made that clear. Well done!
The freewriters are proud of you! 👍

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thank you for supporting me. We hope more writing can be published. Thank for everything that stimulate me to write

You are welcome.
Enjoy the weekend!

My pleasure

You're absolutely right: no one is more important than anyone else. I could have included doctors or teachers or mums or cleaners - they all do their bit and none of them are dispensable. Thank you!

My pleasure. Thank you for kind words. I am so happy when I can finish my post. Every effort to share knowledge, moral value via story ia a way how to make us wise. I believe that human will learn from everything include a story

It's an interesting trio these three. A bit bitter an accident has to happen for them to realize each one of them is valuable and his his own role in the circle of life.

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