My Morning Routine

in Dream Steemlast year



My Morning Routine

Every day when I get up, I do something very particular. First of all, as a precaution, I open my eyes when I'm still lying on my bed and wait about 30 seconds for my mind and eyes to adjust to the environment.

This is so because I suffer from astigmatism and my vision problems make everything blurry when I open my eyes immediately.

So, I perceive the environment around me with a certain level of blurriness and I have to wait a while for my eyes to adjust to the room or the environment or whatever I'm looking at.

I also give my brain time to match or synchronize with the environment. This is something that doctors and specialists always recommend to prevent heart attacks or cardiovascular attacks and it is important that it be taken into account.

As I am someone who takes great care of himself in this sense, since when we get older our body wears out and we have to be careful with certain things, I always take this little precaution that, in the end, does not cost anything.

It's free and doesn't cost a lot of effort to do it.

After these 30 seconds pass, I also take advantage of this time to put my ideas in order about what I am going to do during the day.

Of course, previously, the night before I already have a kind of general idea or a model of what I am going to do the next day.

I do this as part of a training so that during sleep I can have dreams or evocative images that allow me to have a material with which to work a content to do the next day.

In this way, then, I am making my content, creating things and having ideas that are both attractive to you and to me.

Therefore, this work or this task, so to speak, of creating content becomes very entertaining. It's not just entertaining for you, but it's also entertaining for me.

Once I get the minimum and I have the synchronization of my eyes with everything and with the ideas of what I have to do on the first day in the day that begins, then I sit on the edge of my bed and I have a big huge mirror of the chiffonier that I inherited from my parents.

It is a large mirror, about two or three meters wide by three meters long, which is to the right of the double bed where I sleep and rest.

When I sit on the edge of the bed, well, I see myself in front of the mirror and what I do is tell myself the first affirmation.

My affirmation for the day is to say good morning to myself and smile. This simple act helps me a lot and contributes to my state of mind being the right one so that I can start doing all the things during the day.

This small detail, which seems or may seem insignificant, contributes a lot to my positive mood.

Even if you think it's insignificant, having this mood during the day or starting the day this way greatly influences the overall scenario.

It seems that by laws of attraction, fostering this type of state of mind helps you attract and things turn out better for you. It is something very magical and particular.

So, it is something that I have generally adopted and apply in my daily life.

And I invite each one of you to tell me what your affirmation is, what you use daily to motivate yourself to do things.

This is something very important in everyone's day to day and this is my contribution and my five-minute story for today.

Thanks for reading me.

 last year 

I also need the time to focus - retinal detachment.

I have never said "Good morning!" to myself (and certainly not in a friendly way ;-)) - I will try that ;-))

Please trying (saying it nicely).

Take the test for a week, and then tell me if you noticed any changes in general, in how your life was during those days. I'm sure you'll be surprised.

I think you're on to something. Starting ypir day on a positive note, and more importantly, forgiving yourself for any mistakes you may have made the day before, can make a huge difference.

 last year 

Deal ;-))

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