A Dream of Time Travel (a real dream)

in Dream Steemlast year



A Dream of Time Travel (a real dream)

Last night I found myself in a dark street with majestic trees looking down on me. The noise of the birds seemed more like they were yelling at me to proceed, to keep going.

They were little yellow birds, canaries with big eyes and very small beaks that looked at me from the tops of the trees.

The street was full of people, but all the people around were static as if time had stopped momentarily. It was like in one of those time travel movies.

Before me was a woman very similar to a new colleague that I met through these blockchain platforms. She had a white, smooth face, very pretty slanted eyes, and in my memory she was about 50 years old.

But in this dream that I am telling you, she seemed much younger.

She was the same person, but she had light tan shoulder length hair, a very pretty cherry red lip liner. And she was standing with a pose like a model looking at me from the side, without trying to seduce me or transmit anything in particular to me, but as if inviting me to ask her something.

What made me most curious is that she did not make any gestures with her face and that I turned to the left for a moment and saw the entire street completely desolate.

It was daytime and you could feel the sound of that characteristic beep when there is a lot of silence around you and there was silence, but not an artificial silence, it was like a magical silence.

A silence where all the atoms and particles stopped at that moment, except for this woman's and mine.

She was in front of a supermarket that is close to where I live and she was about three meters from there.

I couldn't feel any scent around me and the visuals I had were colors as if they were magical, it gave that sensation as if it were a new toy or a new book when you are taking it out, opening the bag, a very particular sensation and I wanted to get closer to her.

I really wanted to feel her need to hug her, but at the same time I didn't want to because I decided that it would be more satisfying for me to watch her and I just stood there looking at her.

And after this I woke up to notice that I was feeling quite excited and that she wanted to eat a mango.

And here the photo of the mango that I ate:


Image captured with my phone Krip 4b

This was the curious dream I had today, which I really don't understand, but I came here to tell you about it because it seems to me that it is somehow poetic and strange.

The dream world is something as tasty as mango.

I've also had other times when I've had much weirder and much more eccentric dreams. Some of them I have already told you about, but I think this is a subject that I am going to address in greater depth on other occasions.

I do not start looking for the meanings of these dreams, although I know perfectly well what they can mean and what they can represent for me. I simply like to tell them and share them with you as a curiosity, as part of that mystery that we human beings have.

And I as an observer of beauty and a man who likes to appreciate all poetry and all literature, I admire this kind of things a lot because for me they serve as inspiration to bring content to you.

Although I must say that not everything is as easy as it seems.

Getting to a point of creating these worlds and painting these dreams in the most vivid way, so that you take a journey and enjoy the experience as if you were inside a movie is a completely artistic task.

And that it can be perfected as I have achieved through many years. In my case more than 35 years.

And it's not just telling a story, a dream, or making them live, but the whole process that comes after.

At this point I find myself in the moment of putting a title to this dream or this anecdote that I am telling you and I really have no idea what title it will have, nor in which community I will be able to share this content (of course now you are seeing this in Mundo Onirico, but before writing all this, at this point I had no idea where I would publish it, it was after doing a search on Hive, that I found this interesting community and here I am sharing it).

This is part of the daily challenge that those of us who find ourselves in the task of creating content have to overcome, in my case to earn a living and also because I enjoy it a lot.

I chose this way of living.

Telling my stories and my stories to you fills me up, makes me happy. Knowing that they're going to be sitting here on the blockchain forever and that maybe someone in the far future will be able to find out about dream stories or Mankler, who is my alias.

And you're going to find all this beautiful content a hundred or two hundred years in the future.

And that, like every human being, causes me great emotion and great enthusiasm.

It gives me the illusion of continuing to be remembered after the years and being a contribution at that time.

And you? What do you think about all this?



 last year 

I must be dreaming - like any other healthy person. It's just that I don't have any memories of them the next morning. Never. I can remember exactly three dreams in my life that I am aware of and that have repeated themselves several times... I envy people who can dream so freely and without restraint ;-))

It sounds easy because I tell it, and of course, it's easy for me to do it because I have more than 40 years of training in astral travel, spiritual unfolding and this type of experience.

But the user who has not developed these skills can do so by doing some exercises as simple as drawing scribbles on a table with a drop of water.

Let me explain: you spill a little water on a smooth surface (table, the floor, a notebook, whatever you have on hand that is flat) and there you begin with your index finger to draw figures or doodles, whatever comes to mind. This exercise increases the ability to concentrate and also helps develop intuition. This will allow you to go little by little, having a greater ability to remember your dreams after waking up.

Another exercise is to record on your cell phone what you dreamed as soon as you woke up, in this way you will remember it later to write more thoroughly. You don't need to write anything, you just record your voice in a small audio file that you will later use as a reference to write your dream.

I use this telephone method for my stories, for when I have an idea for something that I can use later, and so I have a lot of notes that I review from time to time to develop content and ideas.

Believe me this helps a lot, I hope these ideas contribute to your well-being friend =)

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