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RE: Conquering Together

in Dream Steem2 months ago

Sound too serious for me, but for the food feed my Nigerian brother meatpies and burgers to start with, then gradually introduce Vegemite I am so sure he will spit it out 😂🤣🤣 but he will learn, he will adapt easily, I will get to read about his new job in Australia, that will be fun too.

Indeed, Nigeria has the best food, but that shouldn't be a reason why one shouldn't search for a greener pastures in other countries. What is more important about life is the future we have built for our children's and generation to come. Indeed, on that day that I would step my fit into Australia, it will be a day I will never forget. Nice publication you have shared


Carry us along so we can celebrate with you from over here, I wish you that Australian trip very soon. Go and make the life that will make you happy in future and at least live where the system works

Thanks for the good wishes.

Welcome sir

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