Thanks for Rain and votes - A Steemit Epiphany

in Dream Steem2 days ago

Over the last week, there was a hot spell. Hot spells come with the summer and arrive with the southerly wind.

The baking heat, the blasting oven reached 108 Fahrenheit. The thermometer we have on the wall outside the door reached 120 Fahrenheit in the shade.

Was it truly that hot? No. It was not. The sun bakes the stucco walls and the stucco becomes that hot.

Now over the last week, there were wildfires. The air was very smokey. One of the nearby fires was due to a lightning strike. The others were campfires that did not go out and when the wind kicked up, the fires reignited, and sparks were blown from the fire pit.

Last night it rained. Instead of there being much at my house. The rain storms passed to the east and west of us. The fires were greatly diminished.

Was it important that we received the rain?
We certainly need it, the clouds to fill our cisterns. But is it more important the massive fires are put out?

While I watched the storms drop on the wildfires, I had an epiphany about Steemit.

Maybe this is incorrect but the dollar sign on rewards is not for dollars but for steem.

That is to say, $29.00 for a post is 29 Steem.

Not some portion of twenty-dollars. Great expectations lead to great disappointments. Well now that I know, it's obvious - I know.

Now there are no more great expectations.
And there are no disappointments. Perhaps the dollar sign should be replaced with "S".

Yes we need rain. We received a tiny spritz but I am not disappointed. I am well aware, not completely aware, of what had to go through to get some rain here.

Instead, I received healing and prophecy. A big bunch of things for my efforts in the divine war against an impossible number of foes.

Everytime I go to Gates of Heaven, there are five potions I must drink.

  1. A potion to counter the effects of coming into contact with Mr. Orange, the competitor God. Tastes like nothing.
  2. A potion of physical healing. Tastes great like a grape slurpee.
  3. A potion against poisons. Tastes like Sangria. Delicious.
  4. A potion to coagulate antimatter so it is contained and more easily removed. St. Bertie says it tastes like and feels drinking poop.
    "How do you know what poop tastes like? Jesus asked.
    "I don't but if I imagine what it would taste like a feel like going down my throat, this would be it.
  5. A potion that charges my armor, shield.
    Like drinking energy in a liquid. It tastes good but like nothing else I ever tasted.

Now at times, I/We have gone into mimicked or overrun outposts. Their was very good and drinking their stuff damn near killed me/us.

No matter what one does to prevent or cure the injuries from Divine Warfare, it takes a while to heal.

Meanwhile, I am near healed. It is more important than the rain.

Saints Kateri, Solange, and Bertie(Gothobertha), will be going out this month and healing regular people.

I was supposed to write this in the last post about Mr. Orange, Satan, and Frosty but I forgot so they began their healing junket a few days ago.

As for me, I am healed up, up to par, and roaring to go.

Note for Posterity: I bless certain cryptocurrencies that they will prosper. Steem is now one of them.

During these wars due to injury, I forgot about certain meditations I do to maintain my strength and abilities. I have remembered them and do them again. They give me clarity, purpose, and...

The ability of perseverance to ignore all and live in the moment, an awareness of all that is around me, so that in battle: I am still here.

As the drops begin to fall
Promises made from high
I am healed
I am strong
I can think
I can do
When he fulfills one promise
He will fulfill the others too
Like Moses said to me one day
Some things will happen instantly
And for others one must learn to wait
I never intended to live in this desert
I planned to commute from to here
I built a little shed in which I now reside
I intended to move Florida
After the mission I was given was complete
I have never written what that was
Even though, I did it might have seemed
I have used evasion and dissembling
Yet never have I revealed
Except that what I have learned along the way
I have talked about experiences
The people that we met
Never have I wrote down the task the Army set
But I have catalogued the peripheral
What was the mission, can you guess?
This morning at the church
The priest in sermon said
Ideology and religion are very much the same
The difference is in religion one gives what one has
While in ideology the gift is what one has not
How can you give what one has not
What one has never tasted
While in religion there is the spirit of
Each person's eternal questions
Is it so bad to be the bait
To live in the vastness all around
Knowing at any given moment
All this could very quickly end
Each and every person and being
Enemy and friend
Acquaintances and unknowns
Sights never seen and favorite places
That all could be gone
And yet God will wave His Hand
Restore what was undone
I am not a believer
Though I do believe
What was the mission I came to fulfill
The parameters of the experiment were met
One hundred percent, results a certainty
Did not the Great Soul tell us all
Around the world to each
Some will most likely ignore it
Do not want to understand
But that is not important
By what the Father has said
For someday all will be revealed
So live thee not in dread
Be thou happy where thou art
Because someday you'll know truth
That you will live forever
And rebuild your soul anew
Fundamentals are the foundation of success
The steps should never be forgotten
For down one may go into a deep hole
Only to climb again once trodden
May you enjoy your day today
And think with clarity
And live as long as possible
In the flesh which cloaks thee currently
Let your spirits rise to meet the eyes
Of the omniscient who knows all things
Who looks upon the slaves in fetters
And forever sets them free
Whose love is greater than can be known
Who welcomes all who fell
And did you know the stupid are not
The ones He throws into Hell?
Your sins they are forgiven
Unto you you'll hear Him
Now run along my child
Go have fun and play

Taken moments ago

For Liberty, Freedom, and Truth!
So my Florida property on the Suwanee River disappeared. So I had nowhere else to go. Eric Estrada, the famous actor, tried and tried to keep it for me but because of hackers, I couldn't enough money to continue the payments.

So what mission did I receive when I took the Gates of Hell Mission?

Anyways, it is complete, the Mission. I should have been able to leave a long time ago. But there was the D.A.D.A.D.S., The stationary tornadoes, the vortexes, the Whirlwinds of Chaos, Baalim and whatever else all these things were or are called throughout history.

Copyright ©️ 2024 @jeff-kubitz, Jeff Kubitz, All Rights Reserved, photos too



This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @ruthjoe

Thanks '09

As far as I understand it, the valuation of a post in $ is kinda average, as it isn't exact before payoff is reached (running average of STEEM, that is quite volatile lately).
That $ amount shown includes the curation rewards of those who voted on the posts and this the half of it.
Then, only some part of the remaining is liquid, the other comes as SP.
If STEEM >= $0.25, we receive SBD as rewards, otherwise STEEM only.
So, getting liquid 29 STEEM from a $29 post sounds about right to me, of course, for the moment.
We have to work to get STEEM above $0.25 to get more, as SBD is usually > $1.
Have a great day!

We must get steem up to the moon. 😆

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