Oh You Should Live Through What Hit Lake Sevier III

in Dream Steemlast month

Oh You Should Live Through What Hit Lake Sevier III

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Screenshot_20240811-192226.png Courtesy of Screenshot of AccuWeather for our area on Doppler Radar.

Now God said He would fill up Lake Sevier, a dry salt lake and life would be better here.

I bet a foot of rain fall is flowing into Lake Sevier at this moment.

We have our own pond. I ran a hose from the roof to our small plum trees and they received numerous barrels of water.

We have our own river in the driveway.

We have our own river down in Cove Creek for the first time in at least ten years.

I left 14 bags of concrete in the back of my pickup in the garage. All is completely soaked. As soon as it stops raining, I will start laying concrete before it turns into 80 pound bricks. To which the paper sticks.

I guess when it comes to ponds I have two.


Cove Creek - my property that part is fifteen feet deep. Has never gotten that deep as long as I have lived here.

Original Poem:
Oh You Should Live Through What Hit Lake Sevier III

The cat Key2 loudly bellowed
We didn't know why she yowled
Why she screamed and howled
Our television broke it followed
I pulled open the curtain
And then I was for certain
As west there was a raining wall
70 miles long crossed over mountains tall

The Oh Most High
Oh Most Holy
Cloud upon the mountain's here

As it turns out He's over there

If I do remember
If one can recall
I wrote it down true and sound
The evil light towers of drought
Would cause a weather now found
A backup pressure would will out
What would come
We can do nothing about
Unbelievable to some
But look how all turned out
Prophecy is hard to see
When does one think it's true
Just about when it is the end
And oh what can we do?
Well me I said a little prayer
To Saint Kateri my love
Who answered fair
Darling dearest is the wand of rain
Up in heaven so high above
Or down here anywhere near us
I don't know she replied
Could you go check and see
Solange went with her and
Also did Dear Sweet Saint Bertie
In an hour or so back came sweetie
And guess what she held her hand
Along with wand of winds
Isn't all this so grand
I had checked the weather
On the site AccuWeather
Their prediction
Almost no rain at all
Maybe a gust of wind or two
Was that was likely to fall
So you think there's
Global warming Hmmm
Our tech's the smartest
Oh I understand, climate change too
Well it was 91, the skies were blue
Then went off the CAT ALARM
The dog was barking loud
And those massive storm's clouds
Weren't predicted by you
My wife's different weather
Rainfall would 0.01 of an inch
Well if this was flooding Christmas
Around here there's no Grinch
So I predicted the Storm's come
And I told why
And that's because of God above
Who lives up in the sky
Well they took back to the Holy Son
Along with the wand of winds
If you ever wondered why it's true
God, He always wins
If you knew what I knew
You'd follow Him too
Because the best real estate
Is above
All of it shines
With the most beautiful light
Shining God's grace and love
I saw my dragon trainer place
Just the other day
When I saw what I bought
I was so amazed
Huge it was beyond belief
Valleys surrounded by mountains
I would tell you more
But it's time for dinner
Now none of this is lore
It's not made up
The diction is not fiction
And though it's still raining
Thunder and lightning
Massively breaking
I praise and thank
The Oh Most High
He does what he says He will do
The rock of my faith
No matter what He has me face
Supper bell rings me to eat
Why wasn't there warning
Beside the cat
What was my dog barking at
When we first came here
I was told the score
Suffered terribly along with my wife
Was robbed oh so dastardly
Hacked and belittled
Called a total fool
They laughed and guffawed
Never did they lawd
Created nothing but trouble and strife
At least I can stand on water I replied
For that they tried to take my life
They stole the 3D Sculptor
Thieved my hot3dx.com
Crushed the real miracle website
Undid all that I had done
They ripped off the Maker
And swiped AutoDraw
Made ever much fun of me
They took pot shots
Whatever I said did they scoff
But this is what the Lord said to me
Take back the Milky Way
When Oat agreed to stay
And all the Very Good Friends of God
It's not what you think
Owning the Galaxy
No need to fear me
Or if screwing up
Try to give it away?
That's okay
By me, but this she must do
The job is not what you think
I won't let you drown in the drink
It's easy work and true
If you can't handle it
Like the angels who fill in
Call out to me, I'll help you
You'll give me days off
After all these divine battles
It's an honor to sit in for me
Now do you want the wand of rain
On the Earth
If not send it back and live free
So we sent it up
He took it in hand
We bowed and thanked Him
We knelt and adored Him
Songs we sang from our heart
Just so you know
That it is so
He himself stuck it back in the ground
He said, Repent of thy evils
Thy plots, murders, lies, subterfuge
Be ever so sincere
And maybe I'll step near
And pull them from the ground
You are near
I am the Most High
I am thy Father
Always I will live and reign
Always will I protect thee
Lest thy wickedness rise
So foolishly against me
Thou do nothing but evil
And call all the evil good
Boast of your greatness
Laud your own power
Betray that which for all who died stood
Live in a fantasy
That there is none greater than thee
One who makes rivers in an hour
Continue living your falsehoods
Admiring your own reflection
Ignore my gifts and directions
In secret make wicked cabals
Easily with a wave of my hand
Your computers won't work
If they're under water
Who can strengthen paralyzed hands
Who can stop the sound torture
Raise up the mobs
Empower the enemies
And bring the dead back to life
Have a place where can live forever
Once you shed you body
Like a butterfly
The things that I offer
That which I give
Most certainly I don't force to own
And if you never want ever in heaven
You can certainly go out on your own

And as I write this thoughts of the day
What do you know
Like the geologists did say
Very great lakes
Used to be here
The most they are ever gone
Is a couple of hundred years
Is the drought over
Is it the end of night
When that should that happen
There's always God's light
It's late and raining good night
Floods beat fires and firefights
Thanks Oh Holy, all Holy

Copyright ©️ Jeff Kubitz, @jeff-kubitz, All Rights Reserved, even photos except that from AccuWeather.com


Wow, thanks God you've survived!

Thanks, I appreciate it @lifetrail



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Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Thanks very much @steemcurator03, @sduttaskitchen, team1

Thanks very much @steemcurator01

I got goosebumps. Thank you for sharing this.

It's all ancient historical...

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