Mr. Orange, Satan, and Frosty the Dragon II

in Dream Steem13 days ago (edited)

Mr. Orange, Satan, and Frosty the Dragon


Copyright ©️ 2024 @jeff-kubitz, Jeff Kubitz, All Rights Reserved, my photos

Mr. Orange, Satan, and Frosty the Dragon I

There are two types of screeners: one group removed "ammo, trackers, disruptors, plagues, ...".

The screeners found weapons and ammo on us.

The screeners sucked the antimatter out of us with their tools.

Kateri, Solange, Bertie, and I, huddle while floating in the portico of the Welcome Center like always.

Then I remove the self generated shield around us and we spread out. My shield will oftentimes stop lots of weapons before it hits my armor.

It's now the standard procedure because of Mr. Orange and his demon alliance.

When we spread out the screeners repeat the removal processes.

Now demons are beings of flesh which have magical and psi abilities and who knows what other abilities they have. Their flesh is nothing like ours.

You're cleaned, they said, the screeners.

I thanked them like I always do and we entered through the doors of the "Throne Room".

We have to walk in and the ladies always, or almost always, switch from armors to dress.

This was always a fashion show and I walk behind a few paces. On my front left walked Godobertha, Bertie and she wore a formal gown of shimmering gold. The back open to her tailbone. Both sides slit to the hip. Over her shoulders was a wrap of a cape/train that was all puffy across her shoulders but dropped to the floor on her left side yet still fanned out across the floor behind her leaving the right side of her exposed. Golden sandal toed high heels.

Now Solange, who looks at @axeman's photos of fashion models wore a white shirt with a matching top that was only a slash of a thing that covered her left shoulder and the ribs under her left arm, yet hung open at the bottom in the front. Yes, she turned a circle before we walked forward. 9 inch, platform, stiletto, white, closed front, strapped back high heels.

Solange often looses Frosty because she is perfectly safe in here, "Frosty fly."
And Frosty flew around.

Kateri wore -

I sensed something, " Can I run my swords around in here, ...,"

"Certainly," Jesus.
A lot more was exchanged than I have written because speech with God is very fast, as fast as it can form in your head.

I deployed my swords. I set an appropriate length. And willed them around. Nothing but I still felt something. With one in each hand, I began a spin, tumble maneuver.

I hit Satan, an instance of Him. The sword made Him visible right before it consumed Him. Here I thought He was bound in Hell and ...

Then, on the entrance side of this great hall I smacked what appeared to be some sort of massive, invisible, made visible demonic statue.

Frosty Attacked it! Froze it.

But before it froze, out popped Mr. Orange, white instead and it was one hell of a battle.

Frosty went down. Was injured.

And with one hand I fought Mr. Orange and with the other fought "The Statue".

It was not a statue but a super high demon.

And in came massive host reinforcements.

I made three suggestions once it was all over.

  1. We need antimatter detectors. So does the fielded host.
  2. We need dragons in here or dragon sight in our glasses.
  3. I forgot what three was but it was important.

Once the space was cleaned out, Kateri wore a lovely mid calf length, long sleeved buckskin, near white dress with matching boots. The whole dress, moccasin boots were tastefully decorated with beads of many colors and gems forming intricate holy designs. She wore a headband of beads as well with a cross in the center of her forehead.

Then the healing began...and the Most High took the sword with Satan in it and swallowed Him.

While bound, Satan had made another instance of himself and used it to sneak Mr. Orange into the Greeting Center. Now that instance is bound as well.

It took a few days for Kateri, Bertie, Solange, Frosty, and me to be healed. Maybe it was a week.

Anyways, I now have dragon sight capabilities added to my glasses.

In that week since, Mr. Orange loaded himself with antimatter. So many of Him were found and bound in those not-sphere things. Those are cast into oblivion so I am told.

I have recalled how to exercise the ability to invoke the Whirlwinds of Chaos, Baalim.

By the next day, antimatter detectors were made and deployed.

And there are less Whirlwinds of Chaos, Baalim.

Personally though, especially after you read part three of this extended short story, you might think as I do, the Earth and all the life upon is doomed...but wait barely visible in Western distance, there are clouds appearing as I recall.

In the desert, a cloud is hope.


And after the Most High, Most Holy finished healing me, us and said, Fear thee not for I am with thee. I will...

I don't know. I felt bad for days. Can you see the clouds in the photo? Expand the photo to maximum size - they are there. The clouds.



This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator0x/ Curated by: @solperez

«El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces» Steve Jobs.

Thanks much '09!

I forgot what three was but it was important.

That's how I feel every day ;-)))

Shit happens! Hahaha

I have clouds too but it has nothing to do with hope, not even a strong wind or thunder or the sky turning black. Before I can count to ten it's gone, floated away to?

Let me send you some cloud ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ and 💨


Yes, well those live off rainwater, it's a bit different than life tap water, a well, or some gizmo. When I had tap water however it came I did not think about clouds that much either.

I was homeless a few times after the army, one thinks about water then too. It's a what am I going to do thing?

My tap water is out of my own well. A bit more luxury but also a minus if no power.
The nearest city tap is 5-6 kilometers away and closed once winter.

It's strange how water is just water to so many (that's what we think the majority has to get it somewhere or buy it in a bottle) and we only realize what a luxury it is if we can open a tap again and voila.

They don't seem to think about housing once out of the army I understand. How did you find something? It's a mess here too, waitinglists of 25+ years and you can subscribe to a list if 18...

I still count with no water. I keep bottles and buckets filled so we can drink and the dogs too.

Hallelujah! A kindred fool! I love it. Life is now worth living.
Some's better than none

Here's some more

Yay! I can wash pinkie toe this week

There are many living the way we do. We just have to deal with the wird soread we are rich because we are born wherever we are. If I read the stories in this platform, how people live, everyone a laptop, daily meat, smoking, eating outsoors, and so on I wonder how they can afford it.
I must have the wrong lifestyle or attitude.
Life is worth living just keep hanging around and find a few like minded, creative minds and time isn't wasted.

It just rained, not long but I have water!


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