Dragon Esmeralda and Dragon Frosty - Other Frolics

in Dream Steemlast month

Esmeralda the new baby dragon is doing well.

She and Frosty were sick and now they are healed back up to snuff.

Solange did not know what an appendix was and there are three in the back of the, How to Train Your Dragon, book

Bertie said, "That's my fault, I should have gone through the book to end."

There's a lot more to raising dragons than I thought.

The effects of not reading the appendixes first was horrible but redacted by God.

As for anyone living within a fairly nearby radius, I apologize, God has fixed it. You should begin feeling better shortly.

Should ever receive, find, or somehow own a dragon make certain you read and understand the appendixes first! Always first!

Another Matter - Isn't It Odd - All the criminal cases against President Trump are dismissed. ALL!

How many people know that?

There is no mention whatsoever and the assassination attempt is deleted by GOOGLE - didn't happen?

Kamala Harris - No responsibility for the National Debt?

None? Nobody Cares About The National Debt?
Americans Love It?
Right, Sure, Uh-huh, Okey Dokey, Whatever You Say.

Cryptocurrency Blessing

Sorry missed a couple of days due to dragon raising problems.

Couldn't help with fire fighting, et cetera.

"Are you ready to take over the Milky Way," God asked today.

I suspect that now is a bad time to be on the wrong side of the ball on planet Earth and beyond.

Victorious in Massive Battles

Recently, Mr. Orange and minions were defeated, annihilated in two back to back battles on 72 and 76 cubic light-years in breadth. The weather will be somewhat affected.

It was a massive two battles and the Trinity is near certain this will be the last actions by Mr. Orange and Minions. Because, there aren't any more.

We will have to wait but as God said, "No one can withstand losses like that."

And Solange said, "How will we breed dragons if we have two girls?"

God answered, "When it is time boy dragons will show up."


Maybe that's why I had that dream forever ago, we live in an underground bunker type concrete house. I think I'll take the dragons over to professionals when that comes near and skip the bunker lifestyle.

Onward with the crypto blessings.

I doubt I will be taking over the Milky Way soon.

Like I say, God has plenty of time now and no major enemies: I would see myself to the right of the ball quickly were I you.

And now for a...

Good-bye, Good-bye,
Good-bye Google Good-bye

There's no love lost with Microsoft
Good-bye Google Good-bye

Good-bye, Good-bye,
Good-bye Marxists Good-bye

And on the list is the Maoists
Good-bye Google Good-bye

Such a tryst with socialists
Good-bye Google Good-bye

Good-bye, Good-bye,
Good-bye Google Good-bye

You won't be back ever again
Good-bye Google Good-bye

Good-bye, Good-bye,
Good-bye Google Good-bye


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Curated by : @𝖾𝗅-𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗅

Today, Thursday August 1st, for 3 quintillion points, I bought a dragon area for Solange in heaven and also hired a person recommended as a expert trainer and professional to run the facility. She was the Sartian Nurse, and water dragon, who is now known as Big Bee.

Esmeralda and Frosty are being moved to that facility. It turns out Esmeralda is a water dragon so Big Bee must have found someone to mate with.

Ahh...all things are possible with God. Now concrete bunker house!

In other news, God has stationed armed angels at an aforementioned, abusive, non-binary internet global corporation often financed with tax dollars which has swiss cheese for computer security.

They're not there to protect you. They are to force you to move to where you should have located in the first place.

Good luck. They execute people for what happened in the United States in that country. Enjoy your new corporate domicile.

In other news, my phone became inop because I took a short moment to leave
the VPN world and visit Truth Social.

Why is it so many people I meet in here write like grandchildren of certain Utahns who speak American even though they assume the identities of person in other countries.

Who, don't know that their solar panels have to turned twice a day to maximize daily battery charging?

For example, with your system on the ground like that, in the morning it should face easterly and in late afternoon westerly.

Even more interesting is their personal belief that I don't know what they are doing. Bizarre, psychotic fantasy on their parts.

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