A Dream Steem Acrostic Poem - Weaving Words into Wonders

in Dream Steem3 months ago (edited)


At dawn's first light, where dreams softly whisper,
Adventures begin with the softest signs.

Knowledge hidden deep within the vine,
Intrigued, a cat roams, its path it finds.

Towards a secret, under leaves and twine,
Tender affection blooms, unnoticed but true,
Yielding to curiosity, to fate it binds.

Finding nestled in the green, a letter so fine,
Opened by paws, under the watch of twilight's line.

Underneath the stars, a message divine,
Nurtured by the hope of love's design.

Destined words from Leo, to Livia they shine.


The letter, a beacon of love's silent plea,
Held in the grasp of destiny,
Echoing a heart's deepest decree.

Light reveals what was hidden, as the day gleams,
Entrusted to a cat, or so it seems.

Through fields and flowers, the letter teems
Towards Livia, carried by means unseen.

Each word a step closer, to where love redeems.

Revealing hidden dreams, as love convenes.


So begins a journey, with a twist unforeseen,
Through the cat’s small act, a connection keen.

On this day, the letter’s path, once serene,
Leads to discovery, in the vineyard's green.

Each step a narrative, a burgeoning scene.

Now, with the letter found, love's message is keen.

thanks to read: @ibesso

thanks for inviting me to try @wakeupkitty.pal
A Dream Steem Acrostic Poem - Let's Celebrate

I invite story game friends to try @dave25 @pousinha @sbamsoneu
@eskarem @lovelystar @sbamsoneu @abdulmomin


I love the rhyme at the ending of each line of your poem. It is really beautiful.

As I’m reciting it in my mind, I’m feeling like a music rapper!! Lol

thank you @sbamsoneu your interpretation is inspiring for a "Banger" with a powerful beat that makes it perfect for the next steemit party! 😉

Lol…very funny..😊😊

Add your rapp please!

 3 months ago 

Wowowow! Not only an acrostic poem, but a story too! Beautiful!

Thanks hive @hive-107855 I was inspired by a special kitten!🌻

The bird coming from the Planet X is searching for a calm area to nest and rest.
But was unable, desperate to know the secrets of love. Leo’s words -full of ethics - coming from the past, written on and old leather message, searching for the genuine platform to encode .

Ah, if you think of Twitter as the thieving bird, you've misunderstood. Even in the vast digital universe, true love isn't stolen that easily. Let's keep searching for that ethical kitten, then.😉

A kitty found the letter stolen
and...this cat received the message
She loves it, those words written but wonders,
just like Livia might,
how your Steemit name

I love it
saw daylight.

P.s. Did you tag the other chain-story writers?


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

That bird had to be caught, and only you would have been able to catch it. I’m glad you liked it. I forgot to add the writers of the story chain; I was eager to publish and forgot about it. I’ve added them now, I hope they receive the notification. thank you for reminding me.😅

The cat trying to learn how to read, while the bird wants to complete with the poem its nest, like a leaf.
A beautiful poetry leaf, that Livia doesn't deserve.
It's Melina who knows the true meaning of love😅😉.

We better change the story rapidly before the letter arrived in the wrong hands.

Sure, of course😄😄😄😄

how cute the moon is too! 🤗

Of course, let's see us all over the place. 🤗

I would say 'you are welcome' but it was you holding the pen. 💕

yes but it was very firm!

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