The keyword of the week "Hope"

in Dream Steem8 months ago
We are asked for writing and expressing our thoughts on the word "hope". Writing is the work I can do for long time. Let's see what I do this time.

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Hope is called a ray of light in the darkness.
Hope is the first light that enlightens the mind and the heart and gives support to any work.
Obviously, it will not be easy to explain this to me. Now I will explain in such a way that the example can also be understood.
Assume that Y has decided to start a task. But that work is such that no one has ever done it before, and no one knows the results. Now it is hoped that Y will get even a slight hint to do such a thing.
Now that gesture can be in any case.
Another friend wants to do the same thing.
Someone wants to work with him.
Someone should tell him that the chances of loss in this work are less.
Someone should assure him that whatever he does and whatever the outcome, he will be with Y.

Then there is a famous Urdu idiom which fits perfectly in this regard.
It is:
A straw to the drowning.

This clearly means that a drowning person will see anything that can help him save his life. So he will be full of hope for that.
And if there is nothing to save him from drowning. Even then he does not stop grasping the straws, which are floating on the water. The support of these straws is the last hope for him, which he finds before drowning.

Now I am talking about myself. Which is going to be the last one in my post writing.
I find hope in everything I do. And this hope I place in Him, who has created both this hope and me.
And I hope that he will surely help me to accomplish whatever I set out to do.
So hope always comes easy to me. It has been easy.
For example, when I start a construction job at home, I may have little money, but it gives me hope that he is the one who will see the job through. And even if there is a lot of money, trust is not in money but in him.
Because anything can happen with money, and it's useless to trust any subject or object.
Because He is the Giver, the Worker is He who created us.

Thanks so much for even reading my post.

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