in Dream Steem4 months ago



God appears in the sky and says, "The time has come," amidst clouds and thunder. Lightning illuminates the disintegrating clouds before the never-before-seen imposing image of God, now visible. Humans are filled with fear; all faces turn white, illuminated by something they look at each other with such astonishment that they don't know what to do. Consciences begin to challenge minds; some escape to bunkers, others to caves, others to more distant places, and some praise God without fear. Thus, the world, the news, is a deafening noise in the face of the arrival of the final time.



Then, God settles on the earth, turning it into cement as He walks a beautiful path. And then He says, "I gave you time, thousands of years. I sent you the book to understand me; I sent you rules, and time after time, you rejected them and didn't listen. Even though I am here, you won't listen. The remaining humans say, 'Yes, we will listen to you.' And God responds, 'You always say that, and you never listen. Religion was forgotten, beliefs abandoned, and families are now in disorder. That's why the end has come, everything has ended. Terrified, humans run from God, seeking refuge.'"

So God appears in every refuge, every bunker, every cave, mountain; no place is a hiding spot. God then declares His decision: "I sent you prophets, I sent you help, I gave you rain and sun, food, and what good did it do? You don't even know my name. That's why you forgot me, and I'm going to forget you. So, I won't watch over you anymore, don't pray to me anymore, don't seek me anymore. Fix yourselves since you think you're so independent. I'm leaving, and I won't return. I'll create another earth far away and start again, knowing that I couldn't make you so free because you stray from the path. So goodbye," God says, and this is the final hour. Don't cry or lament; I won't listen. Goodbye.



invita a @soytha @hive-192096 @naka05

 4 months ago 

Oh heavens, you're quick ;-))

Nice interpretation. Quite a different direction from the one I had in mind. I like it ;-))

Super story. That will teach them (those humans) and god proved he did it again and his promise is worthless, his son died for no reason and the humans he created by taking himself fir an example... Well, if you ask me he succeeded.


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