CONTEST - “The keyword of the week, Rose” Alba: The Rose of Dawn

in Dream Steem3 months ago



In a hidden valley, where the morning dew delicately kissed the earth and the song of birds wove melodies in the air, a rose of unparalleled beauty grew. Her name was Alba, and her presence was the best-kept secret of the valley. Alba was not an ordinary rose; her petals were of a pure, almost translucent white, and her fragrance had the power to calm the most turbulent spirit.

Legend said that Alba had sprouted from a tear shed by the goddess of dawn, who wept for the loneliness of the valley. Since then, Alba became the guardian of that sacred place, offering solace to lost travelers and hope to desperate hearts.

As the years passed, Alba's fame grew, and people from distant lands came on pilgrimage to see her. They said that whoever smelled her perfume found the path to their deepest dreams, and whoever touched her petals received the blessing of eternal peace.



One day, a young gardener arrived in the valley, whose passion was to discover and care for the most exotic flowers. Upon seeing Alba, he was captivated by her splendor. Day after day, he visited the valley, speaking to the rose of his hopes and fears, and with each visit, Alba seemed to bloom even more beautifully.

The gardener, moved by deep love, decided he wanted to share Alba's magic with the world. With great care, he planted seeds around her that Alba had gifted with the wind, and over time, the valley filled with white roses, descendants of the first and only Alba.

The story of Alba and the gardener became a song that traveled beyond the mountains, inspiring all who heard it to seek beauty in simplicity and to protect the purity of nature.



And so, Alba, the white rose of dawn, continued her legacy, reminding us that even in the loneliest places, a beauty can bloom that transforms the world.

Thank you very much for reading my publication.


The white ones are and remain the most beautiful... ;-)) Even if you hang them up to dry and keep them as a memento.

It's true that there is something special about the white ones; they have an elegant simplicity that makes them stand out. And when they are hung up, they not only dry but also capture a moment in time, becoming a tangible memory that can bring joy every time it is looked upon.

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