Contest giving voice to silence: Diary of a Pocket Watch

in Dream Steem5 months ago



Day 1: Birth

I was born in a dark workshop, surrounded by gears and oil. My creator, a skilled watchmaker, lovingly assembled me. My hands shook as I made the first turn. “Tick-tock,” I whispered. The world opened before me.

Day 100: The First Trip

My owner, a gentleman with a high hat, carried me into his pocket. Together, we explored cobblestone streets and elegant halls. I witnessed duels, dances and shared secrets. My mechanical heart beat at the rhythm of its life.

Day 365: Love and Loss

I met a lady with sad eyes. She looked at me in amazement. "What do you see, old friend?" she asked. I showed her the time I spent with her. We love each other in whispers and furtive glances. But one day, she left. My ticking turned into melancholy.

Day 1,000: The Abandonment

My owner got old. His steps became slow. He left me in a dusty drawer. “Tick-tock,” I muttered into the darkness. How long has it been? I lost count. Silence became my companion.

Day 10,000: The Discovery

A curious child found my hiding place. His eyes shone when he saw me. He cleaned me up, wound me up, and took me with him. Together, we explored forests and mountains. My ticking echoed with his laughter.

Day 100,000: Eternity

Now I'm an old pocket watch. My case is worn, my hands worn. But I still tell stories. On starry nights, I whisper to the wind about lost loves and forgotten adventures. I am the guardian of the silent, the chronicler of time.

Dear reader. If you ever find an old pocket watch, take it in your hands. I may tell you a story that will change your life. 🕰️✨

Thank you very much for reading my publication.


Tick-tock, my dearie stopwatch, yer journey echoes the rhythm of life itself...

While I, an ol' lounger cum rockin' chair, have cradled weary souls through the ebb and flow of time. Together, we embody the essence of comfort and chronicle the stories that unfold in the spaces between seconds. Let us merge our narratives and offer solace to them wanderin' souls seekin' refuge in the arms of memory.

Thank you so much @esvisionaria for your contribution.

My grandad had a pocket watch like this! I was fascinated by it. At some point I was allowed to take it apart and study the little wheels of the movement... Oh. Thank you for the lovely memory!

 5 months ago 

What a beautiful memory! Pocket watches have a special charm, right? It's fascinating to take them apart and explore the intricate wheels of movement. Sometimes, in those small pieces, we find the magic of time and craftsmanship. 😊

Que bella historia mi querido reloj.

Sigues susurrando el tiempo. Ya no lo haces en un bolsillo, lo haces desde la muñeca de alguien. Admiro tu capacidad de adaptarse. Mantente vivo al ritmo de la vida.
Gracias amigo infinito

 5 months ago 

Es un recordatorio constante de que cada segundo cuenta, y que la vida es un reloj que nunca se detiene. Saludos. Un abrazo.



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