Keyword of the week: FINAL SPURT

in Dream Steemlast year
I often used to hear a story in childhood from my grandfather that your life is successful only when you can be of use to others. But to be frank, I did not understand these things then.

But in the recent past, such an incident happened to me that shook me to the core, and I remembered my grandpa's words at that very moment. I started understanding the truth of his words.

That day, I went out of the house for a walk in the evening. A lot was already going on in my mind, then suddenly I looked at the dustbin on the other side of the road.

I saw some children seven to eight years old picking up the garbage, but all of a sudden my eyes stopped on one child. When I crossed the road and reached him, I saw that the child was searching for polythene bags full of food thrown in the dustbin and was eating food taken out of them.

My body went numb after seeing that scene. The same scene kept playing in my mind all the way. After reaching home, I decided that I would definitely do something at my level for these children suffering from hunger. I told some of my colleagues about this incident and asked them to help us on our own.

I suggested to them that we would buy their leftover food from local restaurants and food chains in the evening at cheap prices and distribute it among these children. Everyone supported my decision and agreed to cooperate at their best.


On the second day, I went with my friends, and I fed all the poor children on the way, In the end, mine and my friends were successful, and finally, I was successful in my plan.

But was this my last spurt?

Not at all! We have yet to do a lot of planning and see to it that not a single child sleeps hungry. But can I do it on my own?

No, there are still many children who are suffering from hunger, and we have to do something. We have to take a final step in this direction—a final spurt that solves this problem once and for all.

But is it the last resort to deal with hunger? No, we have to control the birth rate.

That will solve the problem of the crops and the food that are obtained from our agriculture, and the food will remain in abundance. That will solve the problem of hunger.

We have to reduce food waste because that's the only and final solution to our problem.

That's it—our final spurt.

5% @hive-107855


There was a film a few years ago - "10 Billion", produced under the auspices of Al Gore. It plays with the idea of how many people our earth can feed. At 10 billion, the scientists involved there see the limit crossed....

Hungry children - the thought is hard to bear. And it is not a problem of certain countries or regions. It concerns us all.

Es gab vor einigen Jahren einen Film - "10 Milliarden", der unter der Schirmherrschaft von Al Gore produziert wurde. Es wird mit dem Gedanken gespielt, wie viele Menschen unsere Erde ernähren kann. Bei 10 Mrd. sehen die dort involvierten Wissenschaftler die Grenze überschritten...

Hungrige Kinder - die Vorstellung ist schwer zu ertragen. Und es ist kein Problem bestimmter Länder oder Regionen. Es geht uns alle an.

 last year 

Wow, I missed this comment. I guess there are some parts of the world that need to curve population growth.

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 last year 

Thanks, TEAM MILLIONAIRE and @o1eh, thank you so much for your visit. Much appreciated!

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