Story6 That mysterious place

in Dream Steemlast year

Greetings companions. The "Dream Steem" people group has concocted a great challenge by @dove11 and the subject is "Contest: "Story6 That Mysterious Place" which is captivating and appealing also, so today I'm here to drop my entry.

Here is my story, I start:

Here is a royal residence somewhat away from our town, where the ruler once resided. Presently it is an unwanted spooky place. Quite sometime in the past, on one occasion we three companions took a stroll in that castle, the night fell, and it got dim all over. Every one of the vacationers who visit here returns, just we were three companions. We were especially apprehensive, for this castle was a scary place, and many were rumored to have seen phantoms here. Today I will educate you concerning that horrible day.

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As the sun started its plummet, creating long shaded areas over the castle grounds, we reluctantly moved toward the great entry. The air was weighty with a feeling of premonition, and we could feel a spooky presence overwhelming the air. The bedraggled condition of the castle added to the grim emanation, with broken windows and disintegrating walls murmuring stories of former loftiness.

With anxiety, we ventured inside, our strides reverberating through the immense, void lobbies. The gleaming candlelight gave weak enlightenment, creating creepy shaded areas on the stripping backdrop. Each squeak of the wood planks and stir of the breeze appeared to enhance the eerie quiet that encompassed us.

As we wandered further into the royal residence, our hearts dashed with a blend of interest and dread. The rooms we investigated uncovered leftovers of a rich past, presently defaced by rot and disregard. The representations of failed-to-remember precursors gazed at us from the walls, their eyes appearing to follow everything we might do. Maybe the spirits of the long-withdrawn eminence waited, caught in a domain between the living and the dead.

Photo by Adem Akdere

Unexpectedly, a chilling whirlwind doused our light, diving us into dimness. Alarm flooded inside us as we mishandled an exit plan. The royal residence appeared to wake up with evil murmurs and otherworldly figures that moved at the outskirts of our vision. We could hear free voices reverberating through the halls, their spooky chuckling reverberating in our ears.

With adrenaline flowing through our veins, we coincidentally found a secret flight of stairs that prompted the royal residence's neglected chambers. Reluctant, yet determined by an over-the-top nosiness, we climbed the steps, our hearts beating in our chests. The air became heavier, and an extraordinary chill appeared to penetrate the air, making goosebumps ascend on our skin.

In those mystery chambers, we experienced signs of the extraordinary that chilled us deep down. Shadowy figures skimmed across the room, murmuring ambiguous words that creeped us out. The walls appeared to beat with dull energy, and a feeling of looming destruction hung vigorously in the air.

Photo by Serhii Volyk

Dread consumed us, and our impulses asked us to escape. We hurried through the castle, staggering and heaving for breath until we at last arose into the cool night air. Assuage and shaking, we promised never to get back to that damned spot.

That evening made a permanent imprint on our spirits. The spooky royal residence had stirred something inside us, a base feeling of dread toward the obscure and the otherworldly. It instructed us that a few spots hold privileged insights too unnerving to possibly be upset and that a few secrets are best left inexplicable.

Right up until now, the unwanted royal residence remains a frightful sign of that shocking evening. Its walls reverberate with the murmurs of the past, coaxing the inquisitive and thinking for even a second to test their boldness. However, we, the three companions who conquered its spooky corridors, will everlastingly convey the memory of that horrible day, a chilling story to be imparted to those valiant enough to tune in.

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Thank you for dedicating your time to reading my story today. I would like to cordially invite @nazmul23, @mrnazrul and @shawlin to participate in this amazing contest.

 last year 

Sounds like a truly scary story. I have heard about such places where people do not go especially during night time.

 last year 

Pretty creepy! Not a place I would put in a travel guide ;-))

I love it! Scary tale!

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