Its Been A Long Exhaustive Day... 💫 [Freewrite Fun :Day-11]

in Dream Steem29 days ago

Hello Dream Steemians,

I welcome everyone who are an inseparable part of this community dedicated to creative writing. Its great to know that we all are well and having a nice time despite so many difficulties, problems and the aspirations we keep inside ourselves every day.

Wow! There are so many things which are common between us and that sounds to be a wonderful matter for me.

A round of applause ! 👏

Yet what I think that, as a human - there are many more things where we can give our attention and look for finding something beautiful in life. Because, we cherish either way and in the end get the other in return which we practically dont want to have.

I feel that despite difficulties and incompleteness, feelings of loneliness etc, these things just come and go leaving us to feel down. But, thats not what that should be and we cant let it happen for our future to make any impression.

Rather, we have our own choice at to move around, enclose us with the gifts of nature and look at any other options for recreation. In the end, what really matters is how we feel to be happy and come out of anxiety,lack of happiness that exist both in outside civic life and also in personal life.

Anyway, lets end today's introductory abra ca dabra. I will discuss some of my views on the matter of a specific topic out of a random selection . You may add a comment on that and feel free to opine and express your thoughts.

All the best for today and see you again in a fresh calendar date. Till then good bye.

♨️ Bad Time Passes Soon ♨️

They say life is all about having frustrations .It all comes and go in a straight line, one after the another.

I think no life has lived without the touch of a bad time and it is essential for all. Because when we are in a moment to embrace something new, we can still adjust to make something good to happen in life. Those who haven’t tasted how to digest the bad moments, they simply lag behind in a race.

A Universal Race .


Emotions play a big role while we try to escape from the agony caused by the bad time. But being able to have the mood to switch in proper time can help us to lift out of the conditions that are passing by. Because, it all comes down to how we react to the world at different times for a moment.

There are some people also can be seen in the society who have a clear mindset to go out of the context and act wisely, not to let the mind think too much about the bad time that came once. At one point - I guess they are very correct, because with it -they can live with the full happiness, leaving what are the distraction.

Time passes anyway, let the bad time to pass with it too !

Who cares, do they ?



The longing you express is beautiful. And surely it will be fulfilled. That happiness which is beyond good and bad. Timeless, eternal. Sometime bad times are more helpful for growing love. We get to practice gratitude tolerance, patience, determination... While good times... we can get into a kind of intoxicated state, which only last for a little while but we forget that and think we will be intoxicated in that way all the time. And get lazy. Lulled into a false sense o security. So bad times are not really bad. They are a sobering up. Peace. Best wishes.

I really appreciate the way you have come across and got to hold of the main theme discussed here. I tried to talk about how one can have full of their happiness by focusing on the journey of life and thinking that - it is just determined that weal and woe will come and go.

Thats as normal as other parts of nature. Anyway,thanks for these good words. They are rich in meaning and wisdom, indeed.

Hola amigo, lo que explicas lo puedo ver así; en la vida podemos pasar por dificultades y con ello aflicciones, pero no debemos enfocarnos en dichas circunstancias, porque tanto las alegrías como las tristezas son pasajeras, por lo tanto debemos enfocarnos en el porvenir...

Siento gran empatía con eso que cuentas en tu relato, porque como cristiana es lo que aplico para mi vida, vivo las experiencias, pero al ver más allá, al ver el galardón, no me quedo pegadas en dichas experiencias...

Me gusta lo expresado en este post, aunque ¿no crees que se vería aún más elegante si justificaras tus textos y respetaras los espacios entre título y párrafo... Sólo una sugerencia, saludos...

@wakeupkitty @inspiracion @yancar

wordcount: 115

A good comment, thanks dear I hope you receive an answer!

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