Woman and storm. Prose poem by @antonioeviesart

in Dream Steem10 months ago



Greetings to the entire Steemit community

Greetings to this great community, I am a Venezuelan writer, poet and painter, for the first time I publish here, I hope you all like it and can appreciate my work. Thank you very much in advance



You reach my memory and you are a storm, a storm that stirs my soul, a storm that wakes me up, that moves all the pores of my skin, that runs through my veins and burns my spirit intoxicated with kisses.

You come to my mind and draw blue lines, my eyes in their haze of dreams see you parade in the battlefields of illusions, you are an angel or a ghost but you walk through my time without giving me more space than to feel your storm again.

You are the water that quenches my thirst, you are the bread to quench the need to multiply you for thousands of times, you are the prayer at the beginning of the night and the offering before the feet of the wavering rain, you are storm, perhaps the perfect storm.


You appease my dark demons and bless my spaces of light, you fill my bed with joy, your skin of rose and porcelain is the magic capable of erasing all my fears and making me a child when I was beginning to see the lines of senility.

I want to never leave you, I want to soak in the rain of your honey, in the hugs and in the whispering words of midnight, I want to not be forgotten and stay inside your storm, your breeze and your wind, I want to be inside your skin and not feel your absence even though you are already far away.

Antonio Evies. / Octubre 2023


The images illustrating this poem have been designed exclusively by the author and have not been published on any other platform.

My poetry is not based on any rule, in fact I have never studied forms of poetic expression, I only express my feelings, my experience and what I see and in my daily walk, I relate what I write with my pictorial work and I think that life without creation is a very simple life, art in all its expressions is a form of encouragement, a food for the soul every day.


Antonio Evies, Venezuelan painter, sculptor, writer, poet and crypto-artist, university professor, researcher of new plastic languages and advisor to the project. Art for all.


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The proceeds from the value of this post are donated entirely to the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's disease in my region.


 10 months ago 

Good Morning and welcome to Dream Steem Community!

What a declaration of love - everyone can be glad to be loved in that way...

Btw.: I highly appreciate your engagement for Alzheimer patients!

Greetings and thank you for your comment, indeed we help the elderly who need things to survive, I hope to continue to grow here to support more. Best regards

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