Think Circular : The Neverending Loop

in Dream Steem26 days ago (edited)

Think Circular!!!

While sitting and thinking about this topic, it really made me ponder over everything around me.

Untitled design.png
Choco Lava Cookie with my Mug of Tea

Have you ever thought about how much life revolves around it?

I mean just look at these perfect round shapes pop up everywhere from eating a cookie to the mug of my tea from the Sun and Earth to the car's wheels.

The whole world is obsessed with circles. As we all know circles have no corners it's an infinite loop. The same happens with my thought process. while holding my mug of tea and thinking about this topic I realized that the bottom of my mug is also round.

The perfect shiny circular moon surrounded by clouds from my terrace

The Sun, moon, earth everything is round. Have you ever stared up at the moon and been mesmerized by its perfect shiny glow? or watch a pebble thrown into a river that spreads out in a perfect circle. Circles are everywhere in nature. They are not just boring shapes in the book ..... in reality, they are the fundamental building blocks of nature. From the tiniest atom to grand galaxies.

Not moving too far I just moved my gaze to my wall clock to confirm the time and just looked at it as a perfect circular clock. Not talking only about the shape but the hands tirelessly revolved in a circular motion the whole day. Even the earth revolves around the Sun the same way to gives us day and night.

Apart from these things, everything in life seems to have a circular pattern. We often find ourselves returning to the same places, people, and experiences in different forms. It's like life keeps reminding us that the world is round but every day is a new day.

Even my daily routing reflects circular patterns. It's the same loop in which I am moving every day. I wake up follow the same pattern throughout the day and come back to sleep. Before I used to be frustrated with this thing but later on I realized that lives circular nature is so many things in reality a sense to embrace change positively.

round, round and round......

I can't believe, with this topic given by @soulfuldreamer I seriously came to realize that circles are everywhere around us. In the form of shape, in our routine, our relationships, and whatnot.

Now next time when you people sit and think about it. Think of it this way. You might be amazed by how many members there are, playing their part around us in this circular club.


Simple yet intriguing post!

I like your cover photo. These things make me want to read the rest of it.

I can't believe, with this topic given by @soulfuldreamer I seriously came to realize that circles are everywhere around us

Hey na! Didn't realise it myself. Indeed everything is a cycle, circle, circular....

Glad you read it.

Hehe i knew it

I like your cover photo. These things make me want to read the rest of it.

I was seriously having my tea with this cookie when this thought popsup in my mind :p

Welcome to Dream Steem! You've picked the best contest for your debut here: well done!

Thank you so much. I loved the theme of this community. Hopefully will be actively sharing my thoughts here.

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