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RE: Dream Steem's Lost Egg's Letter

in Dream Steem2 months ago

It's a heater, right?

You'll be surprised to know that i don't take hot showers even in super cold weather. Only once in a blue moon.

So I'll be fine if that poor heater screwed up🐒Sorry😜


I have no idea what it is. It is not a heater perhaps the knob of a 'radiator' part of 'central heating'?

See picture where that knob is a thermostat. I never saw such one, we had simple white/grey ones to open and close. That was it. Not that I see a radiator on the picture.

So it's not for hot water (heating/heater) but for heating the house. Since even weisser-rabe says she wouldn't know if she hadn't written about it we most likely never guess what it is.
For sure not something I have in my house.

Just like you I rarely have a (hot) shower. We do not have hot water daily. I have a small electric boiler 30 litres which can be used once or twice s week but mainly for the children. If no longer winter we wash ourselves and hair with cold water. There will be one or two blue moons this year. Be prepared.

I have a small kitchen boiler and faucet installed since a few months which is luxury. I am happy with it. The kitchen boiler I switch on max once a day. I have hot water within 10 minutes. It will cost more electricity but one has to live right.

Back to the photo...the lost egg is black-yellow attached to the wall, it has screws and is damaged. Perhaps @ibesso knows he's a man and living in a city, perhaps even a vintage home with items no one knows what they are meant for.


It's so difficult to survive winters, you live in a country where weather is cold mostly.

We have it for only 3months and people go crazy figuring out how to take showers as we don't have gas most of the time in winters and electricity is super expensive here.

Above all doing dishes is an extreme sport, that grease makes it ugly to do it plus hands suffer the most if hot water is used all the time😡

I like spring when we have no extreme weather, such a blissful season.

There will be one or two blue moons this year. Be prepared.

Oh really😍

I scrape the grease out if the pan is still warm unless I use it for something else. Sometimes the cat's tongue helps too, it's like sandpaper. Gloves can help but I am allergic to the powder inside, most of the detergent too. The dirty things I let soak.

They say lemon helps but lemon is way too expensive. I once tried it no result.

With us electricity is not the most expensive but the wires and all the nonsense, tax over tax. A bill of 1400 euros/year is about 200 use of dlectricity :(

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