Midnight Child Stalker

in Dream Steem11 hours ago

It is midnight and the street is dark except a few street lights showering their light upon concrete.

There you can see a child of barely 8 years walking towards his destination. But what is a child doing outside at this hour? He doesn't feel in a rush as if he doesn't want to go where he is going.

His clothes are cheap and he is looking like those children who are seen working on the roads to earn for their family.

He looks like those children who are the eldest of their family at such a young age.

He looks lost in his thoughts but someone is watching him from a safe distance.

A man is also seen walking towards a child wearing everything black. His face is not clear because he is wearing a mask and a cap.


He is not taking his eyes off of the child.

Interestingly, the owners of 7 workshops have reported that a child goes missing every week, these children don't show up for work again.
They have said that these children are boys whose fathers had died and left them in poverty, leaving them no chance but to earn and study not.
Mysteriously, child beggars are increasing in the city with amputated legs or arms to gain sympathy to earn money، they say there can be a correlation between them

Slowly and steadily he is approaching the child. It is then when he turns the corner that the child becomes conscious of his surroundings and looks around.

The stalker withdraws himself and takes out a white thing from his pocket, a thing he prepares for every child he stalks, to seduce them and they don't show up at work again.

What a turn of fate

The child senses the danger and starts walking rapidly but the stalker seems more in a rush and reaches him in a matter of seconds.

The child is about to scream when the stalker's hand on his mouth makes him not to.

Sssshhhhh, don't scream baby boy, I have an attractive work offer for you, you don't have to work again on those filthy workshops.*

Work for me without working, do you understand me, hmmm?

The boy's eyes spread with horror and then he sees that the stalker is giving him that white thing, a tissue or a paper.

Rest is the history.

The child isn't seen again just like many missing children.

It becomes an alarming situation for the workshop owners۔

The next midnight came and gone and the dawn came and the Sun rose a beautiful rise on a residential building away from the main city.

A man wearing all black is seen entering the building where he has kept many precious children after stealing them.

He looks satisfied after reading the recent concern of workshop owners.

He enters a room full of children smiling. He greets them and throws his smile at them.

The children must yell and scream in horror and ask him to leave them.

Shouldn't they?

But but but

Every child is seen smiling at the stalker. Had he seduced them all? Or don't they know that they are soon going to be amputated, that's how anyone works without working, right?

The scenes are entirely different there, every child is wearing a certain dress code, all looking neat and content, sitting on the chairs with a rectangular thing placed in front of them.

It's then that the stalker says:

Welcome to the Digital school kids, hope you'll learn here everything you need in this era and use it to earn in life.

And those rectangular things are laptops.

He was a tech teacher and not a stalker who steals children exploited at their workplace. Those children who are deprived of a decent education are his target.

It shames him that children have to work when they should get an education.

So he started stalking such children and offering them an admission paper of white color in his small digital school.

He takes children only after they show their consent, taking them by force is not his style of work.

In his entire career of stalking children, no child has refused his offer of getting free education.

He loves how keen are these kids to learn or it's the monthly paycheck that concerns them, which he will pay them for the bread and butter for their families and not working again in harsh conditions.

He fools himself by believing in the former thought.

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ETH 3426.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.56