short circuit | CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week"/steemCreated with Sketch.

in Dream Steemlast year

Hello friend
Myself @adilkhan007

So I have one story of my college life and this story will cover the keyword of the week which is "short-circuit"
This story happened around 2019 when I was in my first year of engineering and there is a subject called electric science in this subject we have a lot of practicals related to circuits, like how to build a circuit, what a is circuit, and how a circuit works.
So in my first month of engineering classes, we were all introduced to our subject and college functionality and also we all got a timetable for college we had our first practically of electric science, So first practically we just saw the circuit and also got to know it better by our professor.
Now I came to the story of the second practical session in which we had to build the circuit and also we have to test whether the circuit was working or not, we all are provided with the material to build the circuit and after one hour we all build the circuit and its look good by watching it. Now come the part to test it and we all need to go roll number-wise and check the circuit by connecting it to the power and check whether the bulbs that are connected to it are working or not.
So I had 14 roll numbers and the people before me checked the circuit many of the circuits worked properly and a few of them circuits are not working, now it was my turn to see if that circuit was working or not, so I plugged the power cable and connect it to the circuit and when I switch on there was a little spark and fire rise from my circuit and suddenly my professor unplugs the circuit and also look at me with an angry face because I just make a short circuit to the main power board of class and professor tell me that what you have done adil you just wire in the wrong way, that why a short circuit emerges pon your circuit board.
at last, I am fine because my professor unplugged at a very time, and we all are save from major damage to the class I also thank my professor for that because he was at the right place at the right time.


Whack - dark ;-))

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