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RE: Beyond the Surface - Humanity in the Mirror of Reality

in Dream Steem6 days ago

A very thought provoking post indeed! Albeit a sad one...

Thank you for your profound comment.

I was reading along, but I did not realize that it would also mention an unjust murder. This is far beyond crossing the line of humanity.

Truly alarming how an unjust murder opens a can of worms...., it transcends the limits of humanity .... gross violation of humanity that hits a nerve..!Severe Breech Humanity...... 😢

And here, we are still managing to talk about humanity in small matters.

Such kindaa grave matters demand our full attention.

May Allah have mercy on all of us.


If I might give a suggestion since you have asked for it:

As for your suggestion regarding GIFs, lemme say - you hit the nail on the head.

While it can spice up the content (that is why I used 🥶.. :) don't cut the mustard when it comes to solemn topics like death, murder. (Noted)

Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion - it truly makes a difference. I will certainly keep it in mind.

Let me appreciate your keen insight. A good critique as well ♥️.

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