
As a Fresher, it is normal to stick around those you met in JAMB classes, who were your classmates in secondary school, or probably who you knew from Home.

However, as you grow in the University system, asides your Physical growth, one of the things that changes as well is your INNER CIRCLE. I saw that happen during my time in school. Most friendships that started off while we were in 100 level, didn't stand the test of time by the time we graduated.

There's a saying that, "20 children can not play together for 20 years". In between the 20 years, some things are bound to happen and one of which is SUCCESS.

When I began my personal development journey, my circle of friends changed by default. I became drawn to people of like minds. I met some at conferences, in Research groups, from social media, personal projects, etc. As time went on, I became friends with their friends, and the cycle continued.

The question is, What happens to your "former" circle?

While some will complain of you being "busy", some will genuinely appreciate your growth and seek help. Friends in the former group will gradually back off from the INNER CIRCLE.

However, SUCCESS isn't without its downside; and that is attracting "parasites". It is up to you to draw a defining line as to who has access to you and who does not.

As one who believes that "growing alone is an error", I'll prefer the later group of friends, who genuinely appreciate my growth and seek help.

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