Everything Happen for a reason

in Motivation Story3 years ago

I come across a lot of people who look back at the past and wish some things never happened in their life. They would fret over something negative that has happened in their life and wish it never have happened to them, cause they expect something positive would've happened instead. Maybe you were to get married but the bride/groom got cold feet last minute, perhaps the love of your life was "arrange married" to someone else and you could do nothing, maybe a loved one died too soon, you didn't get to say good bye to them. Definitely all these stories are sad and brings in a sort of negative emotion. Let me present you a story which seems dark, devastating and overall sad..but each snippet has a long term effect and I would like to prove that everything happens for a reason and most of the time the reason is good. These are personal stories and not anyone else's.
I was 12 years old and was into the school band, i used to play the flute and was top of my class (yes band geek!!) I was selected to play in the annual day celebration, i was elated, my family was proud of me - to be the only person on stage playing the national anthem to an audience of no less than 500 - now that's something to be proud of. To train for this event i had to stay back in school and practice, this means i miss my bus and have to take the local city bus or a taxi back home. My mother gave me enough to take a local tuk tuk home. So that's what i did - i would hop out of home with my flute in hand waiting for school day to end so i can practice my oh so amazing performance. It was 3 days before the performance and i was traveling back home in a tuk tuk, the most horrible thing happened. i met with an accident, my tuk tuk was hit by a truck, next thing i see, i was on the road lying side ways and my right thigh swollen and my life flashed in front of me, i saw myself crippled with one leg, thinking my other leg is going to be amputated - hey i was 12 yers old. Long story short - i was in hospital with a broken leg, my opportunity to play in front of an audience lost - my world came tumbling down, yes it was the most horrible thing, i questioned god's existence, why I would be subject to something like this. My parents tried their best to console me, my doctor said i would be bed ridden for a minimum of 4-6 months. I was crushed, no pun intended. So that's a bad thing yes? well surely it is a bad thing and i would hope no kid has to have an accident so bad and to go through the experience of it. However here is why i say what i say in the subject line -
positive outcome 1 - I was a very poor student in one of the language classes, it as predicted that I might not pass and might have the repeat the whole school year thanks to that one subject. however since the accident i was unable to attend my final exams, the school tabulated and averaged my scores from previous tests and decided to pass me on to the next year - indian education system is stringent and yes 12 year olds have multiple tests.
Positive outcome 2 - as i was about to get into my teens, most of my friends had kind of decided a direction in their career, i had dabbled in a few things but nothing concrete ever came out of it. my parents were afraid i may not decide what to do and be lost - however the 4 months in hospital gave me time to read up, work on various career path options, speak to people. I got a lot of clarity and decided on one sector of the hospitality industry, today i consider myself quite successful, travelled the world to the most exotic of locations for work and pleasure.

Above are just 2 examples of positive outcomes from a bad experience from one story, but i have several stories and positive imapact in my life that has changed who i am, it has made me introspect a lot more and come to the conclusion that whatever happens in life, happens for a reason. I hope that my story would inspire you to always welcome with open arms any unplanned changes that come to your life. be brave, embrace it and someday you will look back and know it was a good thing that this happened to you. Have a great day and hope you enjoyed my story.

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