Big Bad Wolf / Suicide as the only way outsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Motivation Story3 years ago

¡Greetings friends of Steemit!
May the peace and blessing of God be with you at all times.

Next, I will share with you the second part of my experience after having lived the world of depression for 15 years.

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I make this experience public because I know that by presenting testimonies like these, I can help a person who is going through something similar and through someone else, can feel that they are not alone and there are ways to get out of that terrible disease.

Without further ado, here I tell you:


Even though I was in recreational places, I was isolating myself or dissipating because I felt strange

Talking about suicide is a very controversial and debatable topic. Some people immediately link it to diabolical matters or, failing that, label the individual in question as a weak human being.

You do not have to premeditated judgments because, with property I tell you that, to get to that act, you must have a high courage and the reason is that, planning how you are going to attack your life or have that option in your mind, It is strong to process before, during and after (in case of not having executed it of course), so it is advisable not to add qualifying diminutives to the actions that a person has if we do not really know what they are going through at that moment.

Many people today talk about depression, but rarely do they know its types, definition or characteristics that can serve as alerts to indicate that someone is in that state, however, I will mention the 4 existing types, noting that, because of them , 3 disorders are detached.

These are:

  • Major or minor depressive episode: the person has constant feelings of sadness, is pessimistic at all times and in turn, apathy, anxiety and instability are added to this

  • Subclinical depression: The person who is controlled by the subclinical wolf (depression), goes unnoticed because he develops the ability to hide what he is really feeling and the person does not reach the act of wanting to kill himself

  • Depression with psychotic symptoms: The person has delusional or hallucinatory ideas because there was an event in their past or present in which they planted the idea of being guilty of the outcome of some event. When feeling guilty, the mind is blocked, there are feelings of anger towards oneself and for that reason, the idea of suicide comes easily.

  • Bipolar disorder: These are episodes that constantly affect the depressed person because variations in temperament arise, the most common characteristics that we can see in these people is that they are euphoric, hyperactive and feel a lot of anger

Personally, during those 15 years with this disease, I got to know what it is like to have the 4 types and their 3 disorders. At the time, I was very ashamed to admit it and admit it, but with a lot of help I managed to overcome that feeling in order to accept the problem I had and improve so that I no longer have it.

One of the most recurrent questions people ask me when they know that I was a clinical patient for suffering from depression is: "Did you ever want to hurt yourself or did you just think about it?" Today, every time they ask me that question, I fall into a new reflection and it generates another learning for me, so I thank each person who asks that question.


Now, the answer to this question is ** YES. **


Not only did I think about it, I also planned it and was about to execute that action, but, God's divine intervention appeared just to make a cry of pain that, at that moment, for me meant that the suffering that I was experiencing was finally going to end. it was part of my life.


I am not proud of that episode in my life and I would have loved not to have reached that level, however, today I am grateful for having lived that experience because I can serve as a testimony for people who are going through a situation similar to mine. .


God with his divine magic intervened at the perfect moment so as not to coerce myself and from that moment on, I have the greatest conviction in the world that He does not give us burdens that we cannot carry and is always with us to prevent something bad from happening to us. .

Eternally I will say Thank you very much! To all those people who always had me in his prayers because they were also support so that God was aware of me at all times and even if he hit rock bottom, he was never going to let me fall.


When we overcome depression, we feel that smiling and enjoying life is a lifestyle

I consider this event the worst relapse I had during my depressive condition because, in all those years, I never reached such a critical point; I did not even think of alcohol or drugs as a way out, but just seeing that I made it to the suicide attempt motivates me more to fight so that depression does not continue to bite people.

From that moment, I cling more to life and of course, to working to help all those souls that are being eaten by those ferocious wolves. God gave me the blessing of seeing a new Pahola reborn and that renewed version is the one that will always be there for all who allow me to enter their life.

Labels or stigmas are not good, therefore, from my heart I ask you to avoid pointing out someone if you see him as distant, moody, sad or with any characteristic that is not the regulatory one.

It is important to make the following clear to them; With this statement I am not wanting to say that I justify or endorse the subject of suicide, because, it is not like that, since, with the awareness that I began to have about it after being on the verge of that act, I have the certainty that, that It can be avoided by fully trusting in God and of course, seeking help from specialized people.

Let's never forget that suicide is not the way out or the solution to problems ... If you are going through depressive episodes, seek specialized help because that is the way out.

Thank you! For dedicating a few minutes of your life and reading me ... I say goodbye to you, wishing you good health and life.

Until next reading

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