Leveraging possibilities



Sometimes we complain and regret because what we had planned and prepared for an event, situation or certain task does not go as we had planned, it is something that can take us out of our minds and fill us with deep frustration, anger or we get to the point of questioning our way of working or planning what was not accomplished.

But what happens if we stand at another angle, what happens if we move a little and look at this problem under another prism or another perspective, surely when we see it it will not be the same, we can discover several things, one that our work of planning is not entirely efficient and really the fault is ours, but there is the possibility that by greater forces, chance, universe, karma, God, a change can happen..

Let's look at what we have planned and react, was this what we really wanted, was this situation that we have been damaged by some apparent cause and be able to change or modify in some way?

We get dressed to go out and spend hours getting ready and when it's time to go out, a tremendous downpour falls that prevents us from doing so, I have experienced that feeling but, as time goes by I have discovered that it's better this way for some reason

We always say that it is better what happens, and we shout it and make it part of our daily life, but when circumstances are adverse to what we plan, well, poor world that conspires against us..

Have you ever wondered or considered taking advantage of it?

What if it is better this way, or it just didn't happen, don't you allow yourself to think that a range of possibilities is opening up in front of you. There are millions of them that are in front of you, waiting for you to get out of this complaining about what did not go well, to give it a new opportunity, a Great Opportunity..

So... will you stand there, waiting for everything to go on or will you make things happen and be part of a change?

You are you, there is nothing else, and you are valuable..

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