in Motivation Story3 years ago

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Focus is your ability to stay concentrated on a goal, till it comes to pass or i also defined it to be an inner and physical energy challenge toward something or a project.
You will agree with me that a man of focus is a man that lacks time for the things that wont contribute to the success of his project..
You need to be focused,if you ever want to get the right thing done,your dreams needs focuse,your plans on book needs focuse and until you started giving that your dreams a focus,it will only remain on paper but never become a reality.
Focus is needed,if you need a success in whatever you are doing.
When you start giving your business,relationship and academic a focus,you start seeing the best coming out of it


It helps channel your energy into something productive
It brings about stability
It helps get a particular project done quickely


A man that has a focus,is a man that will have more fruitful accomplishments in life.
Instead of doing many things,that leads to nowwhere,pick one and focus working on it,you will acomplish so much in a short whille

Best regard to @ijelady


This is great , keep on creating quality post

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