Away from the Covid stress.


It was serious last night at my neighbor's residence at around 8pm. She saw a snake in the living room and quickly called everyone to come and help kill the snake.

You yourself know how African solidarity works when it comes to killing snakes. We each arrived with big sticks in hand, a total of seven (7) people to kill the snake.

Once in the living room, we saw the big SNAKE, it was scary indeed and it was looking at us, we closed the doors and surrounded it. We said to the snake: "you are doomed".

Immediately, It curled up!! As everyone advanced towards it for the kill, Boooom!! UMEME STRUCK! Load shedding! Power went off, this situation created instant panic and chaos. Very frightening indeed! It was "save yourself kind of situation" in the room.

We no longer knew where the snake was and where the exits were. When someone touched you a little, you would hit back with a stick, thinking it was the snake. Serious matter, we banged and banged ourselves heavily in the dark. Screams, injuries, pains everywhere

I got out of there miraculously but torn t-shirt and swollen feet 👣. My neighbour Kimbugwe who had initially said he didn't fear snakes almost suffered a heart attack, two broken teeth and a broken arm. He screamed alot and his voice has not recovered upto now 😂


Looks like some kind of constrictor. I hope you found it after the power came back on. We only have 4 kinds of poisonious snakes here, and they loose their heads. The others just get grabbed and thrown outside.

copper head.jpg
This was a copperhead, one of the four bad ones; who lost his head after we met...outside thankfully, LOL! Their markings are pretty, but their fangs are Not.

Stay safe, and next time carry a flashlight; just in case.


Oh! @smithlabs , this looks so scaring too 🐍, and it's almost the same one that was here.

I'm truly scared of such snakes, but I finally found myself in the crew of those who were to help my neighbor of it 😃 His cream for help made this happen and just found myself inside the house 🏠 .

And bad enough as your idea goes, I didn't have a flashlight, this was a big lesson for next time.

Thanks for sharing the experience too and have a good morning

Snakes can be scary, but some are useful (they eat rodents); so I only kill the poisonious ones.

But if I'm not sure, I kill them too...safer that way, LOL!


I had a nervous breakdown as soon as you mentioned a snake inside the house. It only went downhill from there....

I am happy to learn that you lived through this adventure!

Oh,yeah! Thanks @brittilicious.

This was my third time finding snakes with me unknowingly 😃

I have only ever encountered one snake in the wild. It was a harmless garter snake. My husband saw it, pushed me toward it and ran in the other direction. :-p

Can you imagine if it was beside your bed. it's so scary dude..

Haha, I have also that one experience, if finding a snake inside my blanket,,huuuu!! The story is scaring dude😃

That's what I mean

Sentí un gran aspaviento cuando dijo que se fue la electricidad y ustedes estaban allí encerrados con ese animal jajajaja.

Gracias a Dios la serpiente no les hizo daño pero, luego, ¿lograron encontrarla y asesinarla?

I am wondering---what happened to the snake? Did he escape?

Hahah, yes! As we were all struggling in darkness, the 🐍 snake had to disappear, I can even tell where he went. Everyone was trying to save his/her life because if fear in dark🐵

God was watching out for that poor snake. :-P

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