How to Think Positive Every Day

in Motivation Story2 years ago

Many people have heard about the value of positivity, but few understand why it is so vital.

Professor of Psychology Barbara Fredrickson researched how negative emotions affect our minds.
Participants were asked to add up the number of items they listed in the experiment. Participants who experienced negative emotions named significantly fewer items than those who experienced pleasant or neutral emotions.

To summarise, negative emotions constrict our minds, causing us to choose from a limited set of possibilities. This tendency is especially noticeable when we are in a life-threatening situation and must act quickly.

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Thousands of articles on the internet instruct us on how to think positively in the most clichéd of ways. You should brighten up, smile, and look on the bright side of things.

Don't be concerned! The suggestions you'll see below are nothing like them. We hope to provide some practical and detailed advice so that you may begin making REAL improvements.

  • Begin by correcting your posture: sit up straight! It goes beyond manners

While it may appear that cultivating positivity necessitates constant effort, it does not.

Sitting up straight may appear to be unrelated to happiness. However, a study found a link between posture and optimistic sentiments.
People are more likely to develop pleasant ideas and retain positive experiences when they are sitting up straight, according to the findings.

So, right now, sit up straight! Small things in life might sometimes add to our happiness without us even realising it.

  • Keep a teaspoon in your pocket at all times
    Apart from stirring our delicious cup of coffee, what else can a teaspoon do? So, a Quora user named William Peynsaert comes up with the wonderful concept of using a teaspoon to ward against negativity. [3]

We only need a teaspoon. There's nothing else.
We do, however, require a pair of pants with pockets. In case we don't have any on.

We insert the teaspoon into one of the pockets on either side. Place the teaspoon into a different pocket if we have a bad thinking. It's that easy.

The idea is that the action occupies our minds, leaving us with no free resources to entertain unpleasant thoughts. Negative ideas are usually impulsive, and by the time we finish transferring the teaspoon, the impulse is long gone, and SNAP! A negative thinking is successfully stopped.

  • Instead of reading the news in the morning, read something encouraging

Morning news reports are quite prevalent. For the sake of staying up to date with current events. It is important not to close oneself off from the outer world. But what is the main topic of the news?

Car accident. Attack by terrorists. Natural calamity. There have been numerous depressing events.

I'm not saying that we stop reading the news; rather, it's a trade-off. Spend some time in the morning doing something more uplifting.
Begin our daily confidence-building routine. Instead of reading the news, we should start our day by reading a chapter from an uplifting book. We might also look for our favourite spiritually uplifting and inspiring books.

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