What is life?

Life is a journey,life is beautiful in nature, everyone that has met here in this world has a reason why they where created,life takes one to different phases of circumstances why do you think that some are born rich and some poor and a few okay,that is where life has placed them to be.

There is a story I will be sharing where there were group of six friends who happened to be in the same college,three who were privilege to be rich,three were privilege to be poor .

The three who were rich were able to afford all they could every wanted to achieve with their four walls but the remaining three who were poor were not privilege to be financially okay and after college, they resort to doing all manners of things just to feed and survive themselves,as time goes on,luck decided to shine on them as a company offered to give them a job with a good pay and things turned around for good,life is timely and privilege,life has what it has to offer but it also changes things around for good.

I advise to take our lives seriously either academically, spiritually,etc because whatsoever we do today can either make us or Mar us,we should endeavor to spend our time wisely

Show me a man who can make good choices and I will show you a man who is able to take charge of his or her life.
Don't waste your life and time doing things that are not beneficial to you..
Any day each morning arises,it a privilege to know that you need to start making good choices

Some people make bad choices and at the end regret them while some that makes good choices enjoy them for long while.

Encourage someone today to make good choices.


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