My motivational story at the gym. Part I: Hypertrophy exercises for shoulders

in Motivation Story3 years ago


Hello friends and followers of the steem platform.

In this opportunity I want to tell you my motivational story why I started in the gym, in previous posts I told you that I was going to show you my own pictures of my progress in the gym, first I am going to tell you what really motivated me to make the decision to do these exercises.

Story of how I came to the decision to do muscle hypertrophy exercises in the gym.

Due to health problems, where my overweight made me have high blood pressure, I decided to do some physical activity to help me return to normal levels of hypertension, to tell the truth I have always liked physical activity, whether aerobic or gym, however product of the overcrowding of covid-19 lasted almost 1 year without any physical activity, and without realizing it and letting myself be carried away by the sedentary lifestyle I managed to get overweight that led me to have high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Under these circumstances I did not want to solve my health problem simply relying on traditional drugs, but to be able to do some physical activity to complement the favorable effect of the drugs, this is one of the reasons that motivated me to opt for some kind of exercise, and is the fact that with the exercises I can reach the time where I can leave the drugs completely.

The question at this point was to choose the type of exercise that would help me to progress in my health condition and aesthetically, I initially thought of basketball which is my favorite sport, and we all know what helps basketball is a very complete exercise and being an aerobic and cardiovascular exercise can have a considerable caloric expenditure, however this option I had to discard it because of my knee problem, as I have cartilage wear.

Next I show you an image of the basketball team of the university where I teach from when we traveled to Margarita Island for competition:


If I had already ruled out basketball which is my favorite sport, then I could not opt for exercises that had to have impact on the knee joints like running, so I thought about walking and weight training in the gym, I did some research and weight training in the gym consumes a caloric expenditure from the reserves of glucose found in the cells in the form of glycogen, which is an important option when combined with the exercise of walking, with the benefit also to generate a small muscle development that also helps the health of the body.

In view that this has been my story of how I motivate myself to opt for weight training in the gym, I want to tell you in this is the first part of this motivational series that I will be sharing with you the exercises I do in the gym, which is why in this post I will explain the muscle hypertrophy routine for shoulders:

In the gym I am attending there is a machine that is like a bicycle wheel, which I have to lift with a certain weight and that works the muscular area of the shoulders, in particular I like it very much, then I show you a photographic sequence of the exercise:




The second exercise I want to show you is a variant for shoulders using dumbbells in free form:



The idea of this motivational series that I am sharing with all of you, is so that if any of you are in a very static routine and lack of physical exercise, you can motivate yourself with my motivational story, in particular I have seen in these barely two months an improvement in my physical condition and overall health, however I am aware that to see considerable changes I need to have patience and be able to satisfactory changes when I have at least 1 year in this process.

The other important thing to consider is that here I am only showing you the basic routine of two shoulder exercises, one using a machine, and the other doing a free exercise with dumbbells. Later I will show you the routine of other exercises for other muscle groups, and I will also share my progress, changes and additional elements that I use to motivate me to continue, although I confess friend that my main motivation is to continue improving my health and gradually improve my aesthetics.

Finally I tell you that, in this process of motivation it is important to understand that in this process it is necessary to have perseverance and patience, since this is a long process and we must not lose the sequence of the small achievements that we are obtaining in the process.

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