You can't go far in life if you break down with the slightest blow from someone.

images (8).jpegphoto sourc You can't go far in life if you break down with the slightest blow from someone. Because in this way of life, there will be many people in your life who will hurt you in a very bad way. If you fall into the trap of being hit by them, then your destination is too far away.

Instead, fight your wounds with your teeth. Go ahead with a specific goal. Introduce yourself to a place where you will be a new story, a new example of turning around.

Let those who wanted to break you know today that you were not broken by the blows inflicted on them. Rather by learning from the injuries they inflicted, you have moved forward, you have stood on your own two feet, you have succeeded.

Nothing will happen if the door and window of the house are closed and dripped after getting severe pain, neglect and injury from someone. No one will ever want to know why you are actually suffering. So take care of yourself. Get up, turn around.

Those who said you can't do anything, show Tadar that you have done many things that they could not do. Apri has done what they can't even dream of. Remember those who are behind are behind and those who are behind are ahead. They are successful.

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