Keep going, don't you ever stop


When I started out writing, it was fun for me at first, the fact that I could express my thoughts on paper was exciting. And so everyday I would pen down something; random thoughts, feelings, questions and a whole lot of other things.

Then I wanted to share these thoughts, wanted others to see what I was writing. I happily showed it to friends and family. Then the word "niche" came up. They said you have to find where you belong so people can know you for this particular thing.
And I went on social media, as I needed more of my friends to see my writings, it was actually true what I heard. You see, some persons focused on a particular thing. Some poetry, spoken words, Christian fiction etc.

I was stunned, confused and jittery. I decided to take a break from writing to have some introspection in order to gain clarity. This break evolved from days to weeks to month and then to years, I didn't write.

Did I gain clarity? No; Did I eventually carve out my niche after so much inner searching? No. But I knew something was missing, so I decided to write again, even though I was afraid. And with time, I grew better in my art.
Now a whole lot of us want to finish before we even start, you want to swim without knowing what water is. Whatever you're doing, keep at it, even though you're confused and can't seem to know where this ship is taking you. Relax, you'll know eventually.

The only thing some people see clearly is the beginning and the big picture; some are not so sure about the process of making that big picture a reality.
As you look up to others and want to be that big thing; you'll be confused and afraid at some point. But keep going and don't you ever stop.


Nice one dear.. glad to have you here..

Plz try and run your achievement up to achievement 4.. ask Akcares about that... He will put you through..

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