Food science and technology / Fundamental pillars for our food development

in HeartSTEM3 years ago




Our great opportunity for survival in this complex universe has undoubtedly been represented by the fact or the possibility of being able to preserve our food over time, since we must cultivate in order to have some kind of sustenance for any person around us, however, the hard and arduous task of cultivating would not have the necessary merits if we did not have the possibility of extending the durability of each of the foods that we obtain in the harvesting process.

We always have to keep in mind that science and technology will constantly work hand in hand to provide us with any kind of benefit in any aspect of our lives, especially if it comes to food, in this globalized world by the great impact and scientific and technological development, has allowed us to share and transport any type of food or food supplements from one place on this planet to another, regardless of the distance between such places, many countries have a very changing climate system and little prone to cultivate, however, we have been able to find the balance through the above mentioned advances.

So we can say that food science is a discipline used by mankind through physics, biology, chemistry and engineering, with the firm purpose of studying each of the natures of everything that feeds us, allowing us to subsist in this world, but always this process or treatment of food has constantly depended on the evolution of the material means, and that science has strengthened such aspect with the passing of time, accompanied by the enormous technological knowledge that nowadays rides at great speed, giving humanity the possibility of increasing or extending its permanence on planet earth.

Food chemistry



Clearly the great advance that has experienced the area of chemistry has allowed us to have one of the most enormous and important tools necessary for the detailed study of both all materials and food, which throughout our existence are an intrinsic part of all of us, and we depend on them to stand and continue dreaming, but the greatest advance of this scientific branch was due to the systematization in an orderly way to think of the magnificent idea of placing it at the order of one of the fastest areas for the transmission of any kind of knowledge as it represents education, and from that moment the achievements have been innumerable in favor of the study of our food.

All the advances in chemistry allowed greater control over the types of edible food and which could be delicately consumed by anyone, the Frenchman Chevreul, was able to conduct several studies on fats, where he could achieve fundamental advances that allowed him to name the fatty acids, this encouraged the most developed countries to create institutions in order to strengthen the development of the food industry, this brought great benefits such as being able to transport frozen meat from countries of different latitudes of the planet mainly to Europe.

The great influence between continents



The American continent represented a region of great influence towards the old continent as the European, especially with the mobilizations of Spaniards to our lands, one of the items that attracted the most attention was the corn and chocolate, this allowed to motivate the development of techniques for the conservation of various foods that were produced in each region, since those times our wonderful continent has provided valuable raw materials for sustainability and food evolution of developed countries anywhere on the planet, Even nowadays we can observe and notice the great variety and important products of edible types that in our region are originated by the capacity and potentiality of our soil, the evolution of both science and technology has paved the long road of transportation of various items, also helping the excellent conservation of them beyond what was originally thought, but that is what it is about, to be able to spread our knowledge as much as possible to any area of interest for our welfare.

The great industrial development



The important industrial world could find in science the necessary steps to rise and take steps widely expansive in its progress especially in the area of our food, physics as is known is that scientific branch responsible for the interpretation of the various phenomena of our nature, ie, our greatest interpreter in the understanding of such phenomena, from there we start from the wonderful influence of this science providing necessary data to the beautiful discipline as engineering giving essential contribution to the preservation of our food from the generation of cold at industrial levels, having understood the phenomenon of heat extraction from a space as hermetically as possible helped humanity to start the true revolution of our industries.

The great challenge of the industrial field has always been and will always be the aspect of production costs including transportation, since it depends largely on it that these advances have the positive effects of welfare to any population of our planet, because it would not be very useful to have managed to revolutionize our industries, if it fails to supply the needs of people, since the objective of any scientific knowledge will be for the benefit of humanity, of course, it is important to highlight the commitment of governments to support such processes and thus to lower any kind of cost as much as possible.


Vital contributions of science and technology for the preservation of our food, we could think that these advances have brought us to the time and space where we are, countless are the studies conducted for such purposes, but that eventually have found their most preserved and lasting fruits, finding in nature a huge number of objects that have been implemented for the main purpose of preserving the various edible foods.

Our lifestyle has been greatly influenced by industrialization, because there have been many electrical appliances designed for our welfare, such as freezers, microwave ovens, this has allowed advances in the various packaging techniques making them as practical and fast as possible, the hard work of the food industry does not rest in the search for expanding its benefits and is constantly in search of new processes for the manufacture of various specific foods, Since there are populations that require such foods, where they can have less cholesterol, lactose-free milk, cereals with iron and vitamins A and D, but the road is still long and long, in which the contributions of science and technology will always be at the service of the welfare of each and every one of us, especially when it comes to our food.

Bibliographic reference

1.- Food Science and TechnologyLink


Food science and technology has help us alot in the area of food conservation and also allow us to know the different nutrients in the food we eat.

That is true friend, science and technology have brought us great achievements in our lives as shown in this occasion with our food, greetings.

Hello friend @ygalue.

Certainly that food science and technology are fundamental pillars for the food development of the whole world humanity.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution

That's right my friend, this union science-technology are fundamental pillars for the essential development of our food and no doubt this will always be of vital importance to us. Greetings.

Hey... hey.. bueno este artículo bajo la base de tecnología de alimentos, me gusto la parte, donde menciona como debería ser la conservación y preservar los alimento sin alterar su naturaleza.

Food preservation has been one of the most important techniques provided by these areas to provide durability to our food. Be well.

Hi @ygalue90.

Great article, I actually share what you express, that is, that both science and technology have allowed us great advances in every way and the area of food production and preservation has not been left behind.

Thank you for sharing such extraordinary content with all of us. Greetings.

In reality, these are great areas of our exponential development in the generation of our food, which is why it is essential to know about the science of food. Greetings.

The industry development in terms of food chemistry and production of food is necessary in this our present age to avoid many of us eating dangerous food to our health which food chemistry help us to solve

That's right, industrialization has allowed us to make great strides in the treatment of our food and especially in its preservation, thank you for commenting.

Gracias por compartir este post, donde nos muestra mucha realidades la ciencia de los alimentos y la forma de educarnos para tener conocimiento sobre el cuidado y la importancia de los alimentos en el campo de la ciencia.

Food science has allowed us enormous advances in the preservation of our food, something of vital importance in our existence, thanks to you for commenting and supporting.

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