in HeartSTEM3 years ago

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Hello dear readers of the steemianos world, in this opportunity I want to show you the importance of the efficient and effective management of each and every one of the resources of the organizations, guaranteeing the achievement of objectives and goals; coupled with a good performance of administrative and productive operations, which is why it is useful that the procedures for the operation of institutions or organizations are well designed; in such a way that they can optimize the activities carried out there.
In this way, the development of activities can not depend on empirical methods or procedures or intuition, so it is necessary that the administration of organizations or institutions be aware of the constant administrative advances. In addition to creating the means that allow these activities to be carried out in the fastest way and that yield the best results, which will greatly favor the efficiency and effectiveness with which the objectives and goals of the organizations or institutions achieve.
The Systems and Administrative Procedures, identify in a broad and precise way the field of activities that is of paramount importance; for the functioning of organizations; that is, it has an administrator with a series of basic considerations that will allow him to recognize a work situation, as well as the scope, nature of the work of the systems and procedures.

On the contrary, according to Laberge (1963). The term organization and methods, gives the impression of being of greater scope when it is identified as the advisory and specialized action as to the form 'how individuals and duties should be grouped, to divide activities, to organize procedures and to carry out office operations in the which refers to forms, mechanization, systems, etc., in such a way that the services to be rendered are increased, and their cost reduced .


Therefore, the motivation of this analysis is related to the specific case of the Municipal Urban Toilet Institute (IMAU) of Zulia State-Venezuela; it was possible to verify the absence of effective and efficient administrative systems and procedures, which allows them to have tools, which indicate the steps to follow, for the development of a certain activity or circumstance, which motivates and justifies this analysis and opinion.

At a global level, the Administrative Systems and Procedures, come to be transformed into routines, that with the passage of time are modified with the same performance, of the daily tasks; due to the increasing degree of specialization, as a consequence of the division of labor; it becomes necessary, the use of tools that establish the guidelines in the development of each activity, within an organizational structure. Thus, the Administrative Systems and Procedures represent an alternative for this problem; since, they are very useful in reducing errors, reducing time in the execution of tasks, thus lowering operating costs; in the observance of the agency's policies, facilitating the training of employees, providing a better efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of the activities; as well as, the rapid induction of the employee in new jobs.

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According to Murdick (1980), he points out:

The System and Administrative Procedure, retrieves and examines the data from the environment, from transactions and operations carried out within the Company, which filters, organizes and selects the data and presents them in the form of a report to the Managers, providing them with the means to generate the desired information.
In such a way, that this would facilitate the exchange of Information; As such, the recovery and examination of data from the environment, whether internal or external, are of great advantage for any type of company.

The systems, according to Murdick (1980), point out:

They are capable of transforming matter, through a process to turn them into final products, are shaped as structures. These systems can also behave; as an ordered group of elements, that exchange materials, information or energy, between its components and the environment, they work collecting and issuing information, they have the mission of a processor; they receive the inputs in the form of data from abroad, change them and finally send to the output, the final products or services produced.

The above, allows us to reflect on systems, in terms of their ability to transform matter, input and energy, inside and outside any organization, as is the case of the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning.
In Latin America, for the Organizations it is a necessity the administrative systems and procedures; since they have progressed with the fact of simplifying with this control tool the way to perform their tasks; what also allows, that at the time of executing the activities, the employees are trained with a guide that specifies them; how to achieve the planned objectives, to obtain the achievement of the established goals.
In Venezuela, this tool has become fundamental in each of the existing organizations, motivated by the growing search and constant growth of globalization; capturing with this the markets, taking into account the sustainable development of resources.

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Therefore, in the State of Zulia, due to its constant economic and population development; It has generated an increase in environmental deterioration, accompanied by a progressive increase in waste and solid waste.

For this reason, the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning (IMAU) is established; autonomous, with its own assets and legal personality. Dedicated to the organization of routes for the collection of waste and solid waste in the Municipality of Colón del Estado Zulia.

Due to this, several causes are produced, such as: the functions and tasks of the different areas are not properly established; that is, there are charges not in accordance with the activities, or activities and charges not in accordance with the department; coupled with this, the lack of departments with specialized personnel.

As a result, there is a lack of knowledge of the functions or activities; since, it does not count on a formal document that allows him to take the logical sequence of the tasks, in each one of the steps that conform the administrative procedure, as they are: Loss of time when carrying out the activities, incoherent establishment of tasks to each person ; slowness of information circulation; under internal dialogue; lack of communication and exchange of information, ignorance of important activities; low integration between departments, scarce teamwork, ignorance of laws and administrative regulations for establishments of tasks, delay in the process of solving problems.+
As also, the disappointment and demotivation of the workers, becoming a heavy work environment, due to the lack of a coherent administrative systematic direction, which facilitates daily activities and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it could allow the non-fulfillment of the established objectives and plans, and therefore the lack of exploitation of important opportunities.
In such a way, that with the implementation of a System and Administrative Procedure for the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning, it would lead to the improvement of the Administrative processes, besides improving the interpersonal relationships.
However, the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning (IMAU), presents organizational and structural problems, due to the incoherent functioning in the execution of tasks and minimum responsibilities required, by the different laws and governmental regulations of the public administration.
In addition to the above, it presents other symptoms such as: the difference of opinions regarding the activities, lack of information feedback, preparation of a task by different people, delays in the process of the expense and / or payments; and sometimes, non-compliance with the processes of spending and / or payments, delays in the delivery of information and reports, delays in budgetary and accounting closings, lack of leadership or many leaders.
The problem described above, could generate the following questions:
¿Is it necessary to have an Administrative Systems and Procedures for the Municipal Urban Toilet Institute (IMAU)?
¿What is the organizational situation of the Municipal Urban Toilet Institute?
¿What weaknesses and Administrative Strengths does the Municipal Urban Toilet Institute (IMAU) present?
¿Does it meet the objectives and goals stated?
For this reason, I think that it should be proposed as a general objective, 'to propose Systems and Administrative Procedures for the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning (IMAU), of the Colón Municipality of the Zulia State'.And specifically, in order to achieve this objective, we must first: Diagnose the organizational situation of I.M.A.U. As well as, detect the weaknesses and administrative strengths, presented by the Institute. In addition to Elaborate the proposal of a System and Administrative Procedure for the Institute. And finally evaluate the functionality of the results and if necessary, the corruption of them.

It should be noted, the importance of Systems and Administrative Procedures in every company; as for, the proper functioning of the activities in a coherent and unequivocal way, allowing the reduction of time and therefore the cost to produce products or services of optimum quality.

It is important, because, through the work of systems and procedures, it can be indicated by the scientific method when reviewing the objectives of an organization, for the simplification of the work, subsequent analysis of its operation, procedure, and system design and administrative procedure; which improves the way of operating, obtaining greater reliability of the processes, improving the response time, reducing the cost, improving the service, increasing the morale of the workers, reducing bureaucracy and improving the management of resources. It is necessary to know the workings of the company in a detailed manner with the purpose of establishing an operation system, since it is not possible for each person, section or department to carry out their operations without an order.
The foregoing, allows it to be important and beneficial, both for IMAU, the Mayor's Office, society, as well as other related Institutions; as also, other companies.
In more detail, it benefits the personnel that works in the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning, through the establishment of functions such as; attention to customers or subscribers, purchase assistant, filing cabinet, among other functions. In addition, it would help the professional and personal growth of the individual, through training, incentives, etc. of each person who works or will work in the renowned Institution.

Thus, raising the quality of life of the workers of the Institute; likewise, improves that of their relatives; as well as the Society comprised of five parishes and their surroundings.

In other words, when carrying out the formulation and implementation of the System and Processing for the Municipal Institute of Urban Cleaning (IMAU) it will benefit all the Institutions similar to this one, as well as the students of UNESUR; As such, it will serve as a guide for future research, in organizational matters, realization of projects or simply serve as a model, for the accomplishment of similar tasks.
On the other hand, culture also benefits, because it receives a good collection service as 'users'; As such, it helps us create real and environmental awareness of our environment. Imagine, that this type of Institution does not exist, as would be the environment, our streets, schools, Institutions, etc., that is why it is necessary to create awareness in the cleaning and collection of solid waste without burning it, which would diminish the environmental pollution; as well as, respiratory diseases.

Source for this post:
Book. Administration of human resources by Idalberto Chiavenato.

Human resources of the Organization



Pls, source your images if you're not the owner or kindly indicate if you took the pictures yourself

 3 years ago (edited)

If I took it and I am sitting down, they are my property because I worked in that coordination.


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