What is the heart? How does the heart work?

in HeartSTEM4 years ago

Are you interested to know something about the heart, the object that keeps you alive for the rest of your life by constantly working tirelessly in the middle of your chest? Then read this series.


You have learned the position of the heart in the human body in the previous episode.

What is the heart? And what is its function?

Yes, it's just a machine.

What machine?

It's just a pump machine.

The heart is one of the main pumping organs of the human circulatory system (CIRCULATORY SYSTEM). Will.

As punishment for punishing someone, it is said that from now on, for 24 hours in a lifetime, you will open and hold the fist of a hand 72 times per minute once and hold it once. This is where your life lies. You will die as soon as you stop it.

He will never be able to do it for long. This is because the muscles of his hands or body are created in such a way that while doing this, the muscles of his hands and brain will get tired after a while. Then he has to stop working.

How does the heart muscle work there all the time?

Yes, there are reasons. The heart muscle is not the same as the other parts of the body. And its contraction and expansion does not affect the brain.

In that case the CARDIAC MUSCLE is the muscle of our body to be the muscle of the heart.

Different types and much more powerful. It is designed in such a way that it can continue working without rest until death.

And the electrical energy for this contraction-expansion is not supplied from the brain.

So where does the heart get electricity to operate?

Yes, Hoodpind is not entirely dependent on the power supply of the central power plant (brain) to carry out this complex and important task, although it has control over increasing and decreasing the HEART BEAT of the brain. There is a very strong and stable power generator. This causes the heart to contract and expand continuously.

The name of this power plant is SINO ATRIAL NODE (SA). It is located in the upper part of the upper chamber on the right side of the heart.

It is also called PACE MAKER. It is a living but very powerful battery. Which enables the heart to supply electricity continuously throughout life.

It is constantly managing the heart by supplying electricity to the heart muscle in a proper and regular manner. At the same time this electricity is spreading in our body. (Figure-1) (1)

Physicians diagnose heart disease by detecting this type of electrical current by ELECTRO CARDIOGRAPH, (ECG) machine.

This will be discussed in detail in a later episode.

So let's see what the heart pumps? Why pump every moment like this? Who supplies what by pumping every moment like this? What is the need to provide in this way?

Yes, knowing the answers to these questions will help you to know a lot about the functioning of the heart.

Giving a small example can be a bit easier to understand.

Suppose a farmer grows 100 trillion rice seedlings on his 600 acres of arid land. If the farmer does not always try to provide the necessary materials for the survival of these seedlings, can they ever survive on their own?


The farmer must deliver water and food and all the necessities of life to these seedlings every day by pump machine. And these seedlings need to get carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere to use this food. And the oxygen produced in them has to be released into the atmosphere.


Otherwise these seedlings will soon die.

This means that trees are helping us to survive, and are protecting the planet by absorbing the carbon dioxide we produce and reducing global warming. And we are destroying ourselves by killing our best friend.

In the developed world, anyone who cuts down a government-owned tree is liable to 15 years in prison. And in our country? Even if the forest is deforested, no one is there to see it.

There is a difference between trees and humans, as we need oxygen for every cell to survive, and at the same time we need to get rid of the carbon dioxide produced in each cell, and vice versa in the case of trees.

And the tree is able to do this work directly in contact with the atmosphere. The tree is created in this way.

But because our creation process is more complex, our cells are not able to receive oxygen directly from the atmosphere and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

So how do the cells of our body solve this atmospheric function?

Yes, it is the heart that does this, that is, every cell in the body, through food, drink, oxygen, and so on.

The two lungs on either side of the heart expel carbon dioxide from the blood and mix it with oxygen in the blood (Figure 2).

Notice one more thing here.

If the farmer's pump machine just pumps water, 800 trillion plants will not get water evenly. For this, the water from the pump machine has to reach the roots of each plant in an equal way by installing pipes or tubes using highly modern technology.

What to do then?

The pump machine should be placed in the middle of 600 acres of land. All the water that comes out of the pipe by the pump has to go into one of the thickest pipes first. In order to do this, the thick pipe has to be gradually divided into branches and narrowed to reach the base of each plant.

You can feel the need for a kind of highly advanced technology to reach every seedling by making such a delicate tube.

And it has to be done, otherwise the seedlings will not survive.

Without doing this, the saplings cannot be saved by any other magic or mantra tantra. (2,3)

(See Figure 2)

By now you can guess that our heart is just like that farmer's field pump machine, which compresses and pumps by applying compressive force 72 times per minute through the numerous arteries connected to it which are progressively narrower. By circulating the blood in each of the 100 trillion cells of our body, the cells are kept alive by providing the necessary living elements, such as food, drink, oxygen, hormones, etc.

Although the heart is the No. 1 organ for circulating blood, it cannot accomplish this purpose on its own.

What other things does he have to do to manage this work?

Assists in this work, e.g.

  1. The two lungs on either side of the chest release oxygen from the atmosphere into the arterial blood during exhalation and expel the harmful substance carbon dioxide gas that mixes with the vein (VEIN) into the atmosphere as soon as it is exhaled. .

  2. Through the arterial network, the heart, lungs and all the other necessary elements including oxygen collected from the whole cell.

  3. Vein (VEIN) - Carbon dioxide produced during biological activity in the cell is absorbed into the blood of the vein. Therefore, the vein looks black. When the heart expands, the blood of this vein enters the right side chamber of the heart. (2, 3)


When the heart contracts, it carries carbon dioxide-mixed blood through a blood vessel (PULMONARY ARTERY) to the lungs. (3)

When the heart expands, this oxygenated blood moves through a pulmonary vein to the left ventricle of the heart, from the left ventricle, to a coronary artery (AORTA) during the contraction of the heart.

Then it is seen that the heart does exactly the work that the farmer's pump machine does.

Apart from this, the heart has no other work.

In this way, the heart constantly pumps the necessary food, oxygen (which collects from the atmosphere through the lungs and other complex chemicals such as various types of hormones, etc.) through the blood in our cells and keeps the cells alive.

By applying this continuous expansion and contraction of the heart of a living person to the STETHOSCOPE chest, we can hear it in the form of lab-dap sound, and then we can feel it in the form of PULSE by pressing on some other parts of the hand and body.

This sound can never be heard or felt PULSE in the heart of a dead person.

For this reason, an unconscious person is given an artificial sub.

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 3 years ago 

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