A Weird New Theory of Gravity, Cold Dark Matter, meet the latest Exotic Particle

in HeartSTEM3 years ago


Ok so this one is a doosie! It looks like the sciencers are finally rebooting cause and effect for us all. So, in galactic and cosmic terms the way that structures form are at best misunderstood, and at best breaking new ground. This new information can change the way we conceptualize how space rocks form. The new theory is of a new 'exotic' particle dubbed 'Cold Dark Matter' has now given a mega clue. to how this seeming randomness could be caused.


Astronomers have been dumbfounded at how the creation of structures and spacial bodies occur, and it's randomness being traced to a why or a cause could now be at hand, that is weirdly exciting news. As differing and mysterious cooling (CDM) and heating effects (Neutrinos?). This is definitely a big deal, but wtf does it mean?


Astronomers also want to know why the planets spin at different directions, temperatures and speeds and why those movements create in the fashion in which they do, but the debates rage on. A more recent Physics standard to be threatened was in the discovery of Dark Matter Ferminons or particle masses, being observed portal-ing to the 5th dimensional space.

Here is a link to an old post regarding it:

Yet another amazing story that recently was made public to the scientific community was how Gravity was now understood to be the established solutions to fundamental field theory equations in curving space. On a micro or quantum scale, when a distance decreases, Gravity's tug eventually becomes comparable with that of relatively stronger forces. Also, the Gravity reinforces energy waves in quantum fields, incredible finds. These may not be relevant but it sure sounds somewhat cause and effect related if you ask me.



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