
in HeartSTEM4 years ago


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Dermatophytes is the name given to a group of 3 different fungal Genus that contain organisms which infect the cutaneous layer of the skin to cause a fungal disease known as Cutaneous mycoses
They include;

Genus Microsporon



The basis of identification of these fungal spores of organisms under the Fungi imperfecti are their micro and macro spores, but with dermatophytes, which belong to the conidiospores we use the macroconidia because the micro is missing in one of the genus; the Epidermophyton.

Characteristics features of these dermatophytes

Microsporon: these organisms have a size of 20 cells, they are egg shaped and pointed at both ends, their surface is rough and thick!
E.g: Microsporum audvuini

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Epidermophyton: size is 3 cells, in a macroconidia pointed at one end and blunt sat the other resembling a pear or club.
The surface is smooth and thin!
E.g: Epidermophyton floccusum.

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Trichophyton: size is around 10cells, it's blunt at both ends like a cigarette bar and it's surface is thin and smooth!
E.g: Trichophyton rubrum

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Health tip: Saturated oil, is the form of oil commonly used. Unfortunately it contains lots of saturated fats, that can cause cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis! Which will eventually lead to stroke if not treated!
Use Vegetable oil instead!

Images were drawn by me.
Ref. Class room work.

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