Images of aliens

in MES Conspiracy4 years ago (edited)


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Alien images




  • Some humans have actually already been in physical contact with reptoid entities.
  • Reptoids entities can perform various “paranormal” abilities like telepathy and telekinesis including the moving and dancing of a pencil on a table without touching and the flying of an apple around 40 centimetres over their hands.
  • Some reptoid live on Earth since millions of years, they are not called extraterrestrial but terrans, they are even mentioned in the Christian Bible and ancient human tribes were aware of their presence and worshipped them as gods.
  • The human race was genetically engineered by aliens.
  • Human tongues are not able to pronounce reptilians names correctly, they have no forenames but only a single but unique name which is divided ad characterized by the way of speaking.
  • Reptoid time measurement method depends on periodically returning cycles in the earth magnetic field and according to this one year is approximately equivalent to 2,000 cycles.
  • Reptoids are considered adults only after for around 16,000 cycle which is equivalent to 8 years old.
  • Reptoids hold some UFO including some of between 20 and 260 meters of bright-gray cigar-shaped cylindrical shape as well as very small fleet of disc-shaped craft even if they usually belong to an alien species.
  • Reptoid holds two major symbols one (the more ancient) is a blue serpent with four white wings and the other symbol is a mystic being human would call a “Dragon” in the shape of a circle with seven stars in the middle which refer to their former seven colonies in the solar system which is the Moon, Mars, Venus, and 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn for the seven white stars and Earth for the dragon-circle even if two colonies are no longer in use and abandoned, meanwhile if you see such symbol on a cylindrical craft or on some underground installation they would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible.
  • Reptoid female have two breasts to give milk to their babies but that means not that they are real mammals.
  • Reptoid have proportionally smaller external reproduction organs to the size of the body but they are visible ans they have the same function as those of humans.
  • Reptoid skins for some mainly are of a green-beige color more pale green and they have some patterns of brown irregular dots each dot of the size of 1-2 centimetres.
  • Ancient reptoids had the ability to “see” temperature, reptoids have now lost this ability but they can still feel temperature better than human as well as seeing better.
  • Reptoids have lips like human but of a pale brown color and their teeth are very white and stronger and sharper than humans soft mammal teeth.
  • Female reptoids does have hair which are thicker and stronger that those of human and grow very slow.
  • Reptoids does have plates in the backside of their upper body which has as a purpose to regulate their reptoid blood temperature trough contact with natural or artificial sunlight which give them a great pleasure.
  • Reptoid sometimes both are among humans and wear clothes.
  • Male and female reptoids wear often the same kind of clothing made of thin, light stuff, but the colors are different for the sexes, when they are not naked such as if they are together with other near their name which means with other of their groups which can be very large and contain between 40 and 70 reptoids meanwhile their connection with their father and mother is often the strongest in their very old and complex social system.
  • The reptoid present in the Lacerta file does not have tails.
  • The reptoid present in the Lacerta file had born inside an egg of 40 centimetres tall which contained every substance it needs to develop the baby of the size of around 30 to 35 centimetres which grow at the normal size of 1,6 to 1,8 meters.
  • Reptoids generally eats various things like humans such as flesh, fruit, vegetables, special kinds of fungus from subterranean farms and other things, but they must eat flesh because their bodies needs the proteins many of them eat raw flesh as well as cooked flesh.
  • Reptoids does have a long and unbelievable history.
  • Reptoids does have large cave systems in a depth of 2,000 to 8,000 meters connected with many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surface-near caves such as beyond the Arctic, the Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia which contains special cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city furthermore, they have also some surface sun places in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.
  • Reptoids mothers and new-born child communicate generally with telepathy during the first months without special training as you need it to activate these sleeping parts of your brain.
  • Reptoid can use a special capacity called mimicry which make even large groups of human see them as one of their kind despite of their reptilian look using a special “mimicry image” which often has been created years ago in their mind for most.
  • Reptoids can kill humans with their psychic abilities even if it is forbidden.
  • Reptoids can hide their craft to human mind but not to photo using a technological module when they need to.
  • Reptoids once lived together with the primitive pre-humans created by the “Illojim” from the solar system of “Aldebaran” without major problems, humans were just afraid of their aircraft and technology, they claim that we are not the first advanced humans but the seventh done just 8,5000 years ago as opposed to the fifth who built the Egyptian Pyramids around 75,000 years ago.
  • The reptoids on Earth and the Illojim had a war around nearly 5,000 years ago as they have fought with powerful sonic weapons.
  • Reptoids were able to convince certain tribes that they are not the “Evil”.
  • Reptoids claim that they are 14 alien species on Earth including 11 from this universe and 2 from another “bubble” and 1 very advanced from a very different plain.
  • Reptoids oversimplify the nature of our reality to explain to human that it consist of a material illusion and a sphere of influence and that certain physical conditions are associated only with the realm of the material {as in 'concrete'}, while other and more complicated conditions are associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world.
  • Reptoids are growing up with knowledge of the kind of occult and esoteric domains in order to understand all paranormal phenomena but using in fact a purely scientific origination since they claim that there is no magic, only highly developed science.













  • Nordic aliens are believed to have been originated from Pleiades star cluster which is around 400 lights years away from the planet Earth.
  • Planets in which these Nordic aliens dwell generally have a dry and hot climate. Besides this, there is low level of oxygen in their planets.
  • According to sources, it has been found that Nordic have human like appearance and even have a height that ranges from 5.5 feet to 7 feet. The average height of males is 2 meters while that of females is about 1.7 meters. They are generally muscularly built and even have a longer head that the humans.
  • The average weight of the Nordic aliens generally ranges from 120 to 240 pounds.
  • People who have come across these extraterrestrial beings highlight that Nordic aliens generally have light colored eyes. Reports suggest that the eye color of these aliens is generally red, green, pink, violet and purple.
  • The Nordic aliens have powerful eyes and thereby have the capability to see a specific thing which is located in ultraviolet range of their spectrum.
  • According to resources, it has been found that the Nordic aliens have a pale white colored skin. They have 28 numbers of teeth because molar pairs at the back end are missing in Nordic.
  • The blood cells of these aliens are biconvex in shape in compared to that of the humans who have concave blood cells.
  • They are known to be silent watchers of the planet Earth and thereby help human beings to become aware about the behaviors that can lead to a catastrophe situation.
  • These extraterrestrial beings usually communicate with the help of telekinesis and telepathy. This fact certainly proves that Nordic aliens have psychic powers.
  • The brain of Nordic looks similar to that of the human brain but is certainly harder and even 0.2 mm thicker.
  • In compared to human beings, the heart of this alien is located in the same place where the liver of human beings is located. This is certainly one of the main reasons due to which the cartilage 3.5cm larger than that of the humans.
  • The lung size of these aliens is larger than that of the humans and besides this their blood has the capability to carry larger amount of blood in an efficient way.
  • According to resources, it has been found that Nordic aliens do not have sweat glands and thereby the moisture gets penetrated through their skin.
  • They generally excrete thick urine which looks similar to that of crude oil.
  • The rate of heart beat of Nordic aliens is around 242 times per minute. Besides this, they have an average blood pressure of 40 diastolic and 80 systolic.
  • The female Nordic aliens have the capability to get pregnant at any time during the year but the male aliens have the ability to inseminate only once in a year.
  • The physiology of the Nordic aliens certainly depends upon the condition and even environment in which they have grown up.
  • According to resources, it has been found that around 25% of total abduction cases by aliens are done by the Nordic aliens.
  • It has been found that these aliens have some sort of connections with the Angels of Western religion.

Nordic-Aliens-Facts (1).jpg






Of course there's ailyuns (👽👾🛸)! If they plan to help humanity they need to step in because we have got ourselves in a world of shit with this COVID-19 pandemic! 😋

@mes What do you think about it????

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