SEC-S18W4/My tools to shine by @rossnenye

in Shine with Steem9 days ago

Hello everyone, greetings to the amazing people of this Community. It's another edition of our engagement contest and I'm so excited to participate.

What is technological tools?

They can be referred to as electronic devices which receives data as a command, process and bring out information as an output.

🌟 What technological tools do you use in your daily life? (Computers, cell phones, tablets, drones, smartwatches, etc.)

The technological tools I use in my daily life is cell phone and Computer.


🌟 In what situations do you use them?


  • Communication

With my smartphone, I can easily pass and access information through chatting, emails, calls and messages. I can reach out to my loved ones no matter the distance.

  • Entertainments

Smart phone is a great source of entertainment, I can download and play video games, watch movies, browse social media like WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

  • Saving memories

I still have videos and pictures of 2020 in my phone. Smartphone has features that helps us to capture and save memories.

  • Accessible

With my smartphone, I can easily access information on any topic from the Internet.



Conputer is another digital devices that I work with on a daily basis.

  • Writing

My computer has really made writing easy. It has so many apps like Grammary, Google docs, MS word that has applications that makes typing and writing easy.

  • Researches

Laptop has made carrying out various researches on the Internet very easy and faster.

  • Software applications

Laptop also has numerous software applications like MS Power point, Excel, word, editing, writing and videoing applications designed to make work efficient.

  • Communication

I communicate effectively with my family and friends using Skype, video calls and zoom meetings with a laptop.

🌟Why do these tools make your life easier?

These tools has really helped my life because they help to make most of the things I do much easier.

🌟 On your computer, cell phone, tablet or any device: What applications do you usually use and how do they help you? (Including chat applications, social networks, office packages, games, etc.)
  • Microsoft word

I usually type with my Microsoft word.

  • Microsoft Excel

I usually use Microsoft Excel for designing graphics.

  • Microsoft PowerPoint

I use Microsoft PowerPoint to prepare my presentations slides.

  • Google docs

I use Google docs for writing and editing my work.

For my cellphone
  • WhatsApp

I don't spend money on recharge card again, because I can easily call and chat someone on Whatsapp at a cheaper rate. I also sell things online through WhatsApp.

  • VLC

I use VLC for watching movies because it's makes movie quality clearer.

  • OKX

This app helps me to do crypto stuffs

  • Bank Mobile app

This app helps me to transfer and receive money easily from the comfort of my home.

  • YouTube

YouTube has really helped me to learn a lot of things, most times anything I'm confused on I usually watch the video on YouTube.

🌟 Imagine that you cannot use any of your technological or manual tools for a week... How much would it affect your productivity?

I can't even stay without these technological devices for a day much more for a week. The World has greatly revolved and it's now a global village where literally everything is technology. If I don't use my phone and Computer for a week, I will loss so much money because all the business I do is online and I use my gadgets for it.

In conclusion, the impact of technological gadgets in our lives cannot be over emphasized, it has really helped to make life easy for us. I'm inviting @kidi40, @echuku and @ovulama to participate in this contest.

All the pictures are legally mine.

 9 days ago 

Hello @rossnenye hope you are having a good day you rely on your phone and computer every day. You mentioned using your phone for talking to people, watching movies, and keeping memories. And your computer helps you write, research, and make presentations.

Yaa these tools make your life easier in many ways. The apps you talked about, like WhatsApp and Microsoft Word is super useful too. It's true that going without your gadgets for a week would be tough, especially since you do a lot of your business online. Thanks for sharing,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐.

 6 days ago 


Your comprehensive summary of the innovation devices you make use of on a daily basis consisting of your mobile phone coupled with computer system highlights their mixed function in helping with interaction home entertainment efficiency plus accessibility to info.

Your cellphone functions as an adaptable tool for interaction, enjoyment coupled with details gain access to. It allows you to hug enjoyed ones with different networks like telephone calls, messages as well as social networks systems like WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram and also Facebook. Additionally the capability to record along with shop memories makes certain that you can easily maintain vital minutes.

 6 days ago 

Thanks for your comment.

 9 days ago 

Nicely written dear friend, indeed technological gadget are very necessary in our daily living. They contributes positively, makes life better and I'm happy for you that have the best among them using laptops is very recommendable and necessary.

Nice one and good luck here.

 6 days ago 

Thanks dear friend.

Nice entry.

Good to see that you used whatsapp for business. Such apps really helps to grow up business, people just have to understand potential in such apps.

Google docs I also prefer in some writing tasks.

 6 days ago 

Thanks for your comment.

Nice entry dear, wishing you all the best in this contest

 6 days ago 

Thanks dear.

 2 days ago 


My dear friend with the invention of technology and tools life seems how much relaxed and comfortable no need to carry copy pen with us we simply do all things online and stored in devices for longer used.
Good luck

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