SEC-S18W2/I hope it rains coffee

in Shine with Steem2 months ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum steemians


☕ What are the most recurring thoughts in your mind while you drink your first coffee in the morning?

Drinking first coffee in morning is not in my routine because I take one cup of coffee at evening but sometimes when I feel craving for coffee then I also take it in morning but in winters not in summers. Whenever I take coffee in early morning then first of all it is an indication that I am not feeling fresh that's why I am taking coffee so that I may feel energetic for my whole day tasks. Definitely if I have work load at someday then I must take coffee in that morning that's why recurring thoughts that first comes into my mind are all about to manage my work load and to get fruitful result at end of day and making plans of all these things.

Do you think coffee is positive in our lives or is it a habit that should be replaced? Talk to us from your experience.

Coffee is positive in our life or it is a habit which should be replaced is an interesting question and I think if someone is taking more than two cups of coffee then he should be limited and if someone is taking 3 cups of coffee then it means that maybe soon it is an indication that it would convert into its bad habit to take too much coffee as too much high intake of coffee can also trigger migraine and other problems.


So coffee is a positive thing in our life especially if you are taking just one cup then its okay and if you are taking to cup then its ok again but having more than three cups can cause serious problems this time If you maintain this routine.

What else can you do with coffee besides drink it?

Honestly speaking I don't use coffee for another purpose except drinking it because my routine is so busy that to get involve in such kind of little things is impossible for me you can say. Coffee is an organic ingredient that we can find at plant which grows naturally.

Powdered form of coffee beans can be used as face mask because it contains anti aging properties as well as antioxidant properties that can make your skin glowing so for beauty purpose I know coffee can be used and people also use it that take care of their skin and beauty.

☕ In a pot, in the coffee maker, there are several ways to do it, but how do you prepare coffee at home? Don't forget your photograph with your coffee cup

In my home not everyone enjoys coffee but I am truly a coffee lover but I take it in moderation that's why I don't have machine for making coffee means I don't have coffee maker in my home that's why I prefer manual way of making coffee in which I take beans of coffee in a pack.


I make some coffee beans with sugar until it's that fluffy and then I mix it in milk and it really gives a wonderful aroma and taste as well as you can say that this is a pour over method I use for making coffee manually with my hands as you can also see cup of coffee in the picture.

☕ What comes to your mind when you read the phrase "I hope it rains coffee in the countryside"?

I really hope that it rains coffee in the countrysidebut I think this is something which I could only imagine and could only think that it is raining and there are coffee droplets in rain except water. But if I imagine that in my country side coffee droplets are in rain then definitely it would bring a lot of taste and aroma to all people living in countryside as well as especially for coffee lovers it would be a day of celebration as they have their favourite beverage free to drink.

I want to invite @wakeupkitty,@jyoti-thelight,@dexsyluz to participate


 2 months ago 

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 2 months ago 

Thank you for curating my post

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

You know I don't drink coffee right but you can offer me a cup of tea! If it's raining coffee I think many will run outside and fill all their bags, containers. I'll see if I can join this one. I have some coffee recipes. LOL

 2 months ago 

I also love to drink tea but my favourite beverage to enjoy is coffee.I agree that people would tend to fill their bags that are coffee lovers.You can share coffee recipe that's your favorite.I would really love to try it.

 2 months ago 

Salud por ese café amigo!

Por cierto, como logras tomar café por las noches y no por las mañana? aquí en Venezuela siempre hace calor, pero eso no quiere decir que vamos a dejar el café a un lado

de hecho hay quienes dicec ''Me voy a hacer un café para este calor'' jajajajajaja aúnque suene contradictorio!!

También están los que metabolizan el café rápido, eso indica que tomas café y puedes domar igual que un bebe, gracias por la invitación

Dios te bendiga!


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